What corals should I start with?


My set up is listed below. After much procrastination I finally completed by DIY canopy for my 72 bow. I installed 440 watts of VHO (2 atinics & 2 50/50). WOW! - it sure makes all the colors in the tank a lot brighter!!!!! (considering I used to have 40 watts of NO). Anyway, I would like to get some corals or an anenome (sp?) for the tank. I have very little knowledge in this area. Any suggestions considering the tanks' current population? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


To answer yetex's question, the tank was set up in early August of last year. The tank was cycled with 75 lbs of LR and fish were added slowly begining in mid to late October.


Active Member
With the amount of lighting you have you should be able to keep all softies and most LPS.