What corals?


Active Member
Can someone give me a list of corals or inverts that clowns can succesfully host. Asking as I don't think my frogspawn cares for being hosted. Will a toadstool work?
Will a BTA have enough lighting with 2x110 vho in a 100 gallon? I have MH but I just don't want to turn them back on.


Active Member
I dont believe there is a "list" so to speak that would be specific to hosting clown fishes. I have heard of them hosting everything from a powerhead to green star polyups. I know they do like hammer corals, torch corals and bubble corals. But I am sure the list is enormous as to what clowns have hosted in peoples tanks.
And no I dont believe your 220 watts of VHO's are enough for a BTA in that size tank.


Active Member
Well my clown is now rubbing up on my mushrooms. I am just afraid that they are going to bother my shrooms now like my frogspawn.
Will a frogspawn get used to it? I had a torch but they didn't go near it.


Active Member
u dont want clowns hosting any corals, bc the clown will kill the coral for sure. if u hv the lighting and an an establish tank, get a bta. clowns r very rough w things they host. in my opinion, only anemone can tk take their constant rubbing.