What Could eat Starfish Arms??


O.K. here is the deal. Most of you know that I have just recently set-up a 75g in-wall in my basement. water parameters are fine so I am not going to post those. I use RO/DI water for those of you who would ask that. Now to the issue at hand. I saw my serpent star for the first time in about one month this morning. To my surprise, two of his/her arms were eaten halfway off!!! Has anybody ever experienced this? Does anybody know what would do such a thing? Besides a harlequin shrimp.
My inhabitants are:
2 green chromis
1 sixline wrasse
27 scarlet hermits
8 cerith snails
1 fighting conch
2 turbo snails
3 nassarius snails
1 cleaner shrimp
1 blood fire shrimp
Please help!! :notsure:


This may not be the case with you, but I accidentally took off an arm of my green brittle by inadvertantly moving rock around or one falling on him. It has since grown completely back and I am much more careful of arranging rock!
Just a thought!

bang guy

I don't think any of the listed animals would eat a Brittle Star arm unless it was dying.
Did you do any large water changes in the past month? If salinity was quickly changed it could have damaged the vascular system of the starfish and it might just now be recovering.
It could also be starving.
These are just guesses.