what could i keep in a 6 gal salt tank?


i have a 6 or 6 1/2 gal. eclipse tank that has been running about three months with a small power filter that has a small bio wheel and a small power head.tank has nothing in it. i was considering buying 20 lbs of live sand and a sm. live rock for it. is it too small for a reef tank w/one small fish? i realize i couldnt put more than one or two small fish or anenome(sp). any suggestions? or can it be used for any salt set-up? thanks


Active Member
Here is a pic of my 6g Eclipse. I have 10lbs of LS and about 6-8lbs of LR. The lighting is a 32w PC with two small fans cut into the back because of the heat from the lights. I took out the bio-wheel and filter and it has one small power head.
As far as live stock I would stay with a shrimp and maybe one fish. I have to do a 1- gallon water change weekly to keep the nitrates down.
Sense this pic I have added some more corals and rearranged the rock a bit but it gives you an idea


reefnut!! that looks fantastic!!! could you give me more info on your lighting? i bought a peice of lr thats bigger than yours, but i could always put it in my big tank. what kind of lr is that you have? it looks great!! i also put about 15 lbs of pink coral ls in.


Active Member
cody thanks and glad to hear you also have a larger tank. I'm sure you know that a 6g can be pretty touchy. At the first sign of stress on my corals they will be removed and put into the 125g. They are all doing well so far.
The lighting is a 32w CustomSeaLife Sartlite Retrofit. The bulb is a 5050 10000k x Ultra-Actinic.
The size of the rocks is preference more than anything As long as there is enough to handle the bio-load you good
Not sure exactly the type of rock I have The LFS throws it all together so I dont know


reefnut. my 120gal doesnt have the lighting to support corals. so i may go w/what the lfs guy recommended. 2 percs a couple snails a crab and a cleaner shrimp. thats enough life to make it interesting, but hopefully not overload the tank. i still may trade my lr from the 6 gal with a couple smaller nice ones from my big tank. i saw what may be your lighting on that pet place's web site(Smartlite Retrofit Kit 32W (Custom Sea)). my 6gal. is on my pc desk. it fits snuggly in a section of the desk and i'm afraid that heat build-up you mentioned would be too great for that enclosed area. thanks for the tip though. looks great.