what could this be?


Ok tonight when I went to feed my horses, I noticed a wor looking thing comeing out of the LR. It would peek out then go back in really fast. I turned the tank light off at it came completly out. When I turned the light back on it went back in the rock in a hurry. I have pics I am going to put them on my computer in a few minutes and will post them here shortly. Any idea on what this could be??? Thanks and happy Christmas and New Year.


Looks like a bristleworm from what I can tell. Harmless. Good part of clean up crew...Do a search and see if it resembles pics. Good luck!


Well-Known Member
looks like a bristleworm as well. I wouldn't worry about it. Harmless detrivore. Though, there are hundreds, perhaps thousands of types of bristle worms. The most common ones in the aquarium hobby are harmless.


Active Member
Definitely a bristle worm. However, if you ever see a tiny, thin, white worm about 1cm in length~move all you horses into a hospital tank. These little parasitic terrors claimed my first seahorse.


Active Member
Bristle Worms. But there is one other worm alot like a bristle worm. I think it is harmless if you have no corals, but if you do, here is a picture of a fire worm. They can eat a coral really fast, one time a guy at my favorite LFS showed me the skeleton of a coral that was eaten by one.

The only difference i can remember at the momentis that the fire worms are more red, longer, and thinner. And i do remember the fire worm is also named after there sting which feels like fire.