What did i do!!!!!


Oook... Basicly I have had good success over the past 7 months, however all of a sudden my Yellow Tang seems very sick. He is laying on his side and hardly moving. Trying to figure out what is wrong I notice something shiny in the tank. There is a penny burried in my sand and I dont know how long its been there / or how it got there.
This is so depressing to me because I am worried I wont be able to keep inverts anymore and I want my yellow tang to survive. He is not looking good at all...
any suggestions?
I will start to get my QT ready tomorrow.


Staff member
Do you have children? I'm thinking a child may have dropped the coin in.
Test for copper and see what you level is?
What size tank do you have, and do you have LR?


I have a younger brother.... sigh... and yes I have about 55 pounds of LR in my 55 gallon tank. I have done a few big water changes and now my leather toadstool is not looking to good. My anemone still looks good, along with my green star polyps.


Staff member
Test the water for copper. What are the readings?
And thoroughly explain to your brother the ramifications of putting anything in your tank.