What did i exactly do??


This past weekend i just converted all of my flex to pvc. I used 3/4 sced. 40. Now i just restarted the system and there is less pressure coming out of where the water come in to the tank. But now there is more water flow. I guess my question is; should i worry about the pressure loss? what really is going on?? Kinda confused now to what i actually did. I wanted to increase the water flow (volume) into the tank and I did that.
Now that my pvc is in my overflow is really loud and my pump the vibribations from the pump are loud ne ideas for that also??
I was going to get a 90 gal with built in overflow, but the store i went to had all glass 75 gal for 75 bucks so i went with that. Kinda regreting that now but saved about 125 bucks.:rolleyes:
Here are some pics of it all, sry bad cammera but better than nothing.
Pic#1 old sump on 55 with pvc, then put on 75:


Active Member
Ahhh fluid mechanics. Has to do with the flow through the pipe, length of the pipe, etc. etc. You can factor in the joints, pipe size, and on and on. All has to do with the flow of the water.
As far as noise. It's the pvc pipes. May want to use a flex hose to go from the pump to the pvc. I noticed said effect with a rio 400. Whenever i attached the output pipes it made insane noise. Without the pipes though there was no noise. My guess it has to do with the pump itself and the vibrations it makes.


Pic#8 only fish in tank, lost firefish, precula clown and sixline for unknow reasons, thinking emerald started to get them, move him into the sump and my yellow tang is doing ok.


I was reading that for every 90 degree fitting you have can be considered one ft of head. Maybe with the flex its more of a straght shot without the 90's and 45's


it might not be more flow, but higher pressure ...
what size was the flex tube.....if you use smaller pipe it increses the pressure....kinda like putting you finger over a hose..


The flex was 1/2", the new pvc for the return is 3/4". The garden hose thing is correct. I do have more water being returned to the tank now, i can tell this because there is more water coming out into the over flow. but with a bigger pipe i lossed the pressure. So, its all good. Ill just get another ph to move some move water around.
I just got a AGA 20 long today, and gonna be making a new sump/fuge, that was the whole reason for converting to pvc. I'll make a new thread and have some pics of the construction and it up and running.