What did you pay for Xenia


I paid $80 for 6 stalks 4 months ago. - It has turned into over 45 since. - It was expensive at the time, however I have quite a few people who have bought some from me. - I've already made my $80 back.

coral keeper

Active Member
I payed around 13 bucks for mine. Mine isent growing that much right now. Only have it for like 2 months or less. I wants it to start taking over because i want to frag it and sell it and make some money.


Active Member
Well its mostly the pink pom pom that most people have cause they are more hardy than most xenia's. Plus their cheaper and easy to get from anyone.


Active Member
I paid for xenia originally ($20), but I have fragged it so many times I have made close to $200 dollars from selling it back to different local fish stores.


Active Member
24.99 for a 2 stalk colony on a nice 6" dia piece of LR. Havent sold any yet but I have 6 stalks now and soon I will be looking to get rid of a couple.. I like the way it flows though...