what did you pay?



everyone with a 120 gal or longer what did you pay for your tank? i found a new 210 gal rr tank for 699.99 ( no stand.... ill be building my own)and i am currious as to how nice of a deal that is... btw i am purchasing it for that price ( i put half down).... but i am currious as to what yall paid based upon you location.... im in mn

i like fish

$600 for 125 gallon, stand, 640 watt vho setup, sump, lots of pumps and crap.
Most of it has since been upgraded though.



Originally posted by I like fish
$600 for 125 gallon, stand, 640 watt vho setup, sump, lots of pumps and crap.
Most of it has since been upgraded though.

new or used?


Active Member
I just paid $529 for an 210 gal AGA "Mega Flo" RR tank...I complained about the Large, Ugly boxes in the middle of the tank and the LFS threw in Two "TidePool" clear Overflow stand pipes to get me to take it, but I have to "cut out" the Mega flows...
Works for me...


$425 for my new 150 gallon. It comes with a 2" drain, and a 1-1/2" return line inside of a 8" corner overflow. Brand New. I get to pick it up tomorrow.:happyfish :) :happyfish


Active Member
1200.00 for my 120 gal custom Euro style Lee Mar tank...The front panel is starphire glass so that raised the price about 275.00


I paid $1400 for a used (1 year old) 210 with dual overflows, nice cherry stand and canopy, wet/dry filter, little giant return pump, 2 VHO lights with ballast, a couple hundred pounds of base rock, and a bunch of extras (heaters, magnet cleaners, etc). Basically, the guy was rich and wanted a saltwater tank (fish only), but didn't know what he was getting into..and decided to get rid of it.


Active Member
$399 for my 120g AGA Reef Ready without the overflow kits from a LFS in my area. The Megaflow overflow kits were $59 each.