What dimming controller for DIY LED


I have built a 120 led set up for my 135g tank that im setting up. I would like to have a controller to have the led's slowly get brighter and dimmer to simulate dawn and dusk. Im using 2 MeanWell CLG-150-48B controlling 60 led's each. They are both able to dim using a potentiometer. I would like to try and find a controller that will take the place of the potentiometer. I can do DIy but i cant do the programing, a lot of people are doing with the diy dimmers and they require computer programing. We only use mac computers at our house and all the diy controllers need windows.
So im looking for a reasonable priced option for a controller that does not need a computer to program it if there is such a thing out there please let me know.


Well-Known Member
You may try looking into the Dim4 controller. Or one of the other well known aquarium controllers like Neptune (Apex), Profilux, Reef Keeper...anything that is capable of putting out a 1-10v analog signal. Or possibly the Daylight controller that is found at Rapid Led.


From what I was reading the ballast I have do not use 1-10v they use resistance from a potentemeter. Is there a way to use the listed controllers?


Well-Known Member
I guess those CLG's don't. I thought he meant the HLG's. You need to get a 100k POT. Controllers won't work with that driver.