what do blennies eat?


Active Member
I have as scooter blenny and i would like to kno what he will eat?
cause he realy doesen eat and only if it comes right to his face.


Frozen Brine Plus is not frozen brine, it has other stuff in it. Brine Plus has is suppllemented with a blend of seafood, plankton, and Caulerpa Algae. Who knows it might make a difference. I got the information from fish/food mag.
Scooter blennies primarily feed on pods in your tank. Do you have a well established tank with alot of live rock? If not, it may be a problem since some blennies will take to brine and some will not. I would say the first thing you need to determine is......is there a plentiful supply of pods in your tank? Once answered, then you correct it if it is inadequate. If your tank supply of pods is not enough.....add more live rock and/or go ask your LFS guy for some "sludge" (the muddy residue in their LR stock tank)


My scooter blennies and other bleenies seem to love frozen food, but especially if I have garlic in it...they come right up to my fingers to take the stuff....they have a great appetite.You might try that....my 2 cents.....

Originally posted by Asbury030
well wouldn't the sludge mess up my tank

Sludge is a heavy residue, it clouded my tank for about 2 hours and wasn't really even cloudy at that..It will settle quick. The benefits from it are huge...massive food for your blenny

Originally posted by coloradodeb
My scooter blennies and other bleenies seem to love frozen food, but especially if I have garlic in it...they come right up to my fingers to take the stuff....they have a great appetite.You might try that....my 2 cents.....

Very true.....only problem is, each blenny can be different. Some will eat pods only, others eat pods + frozen, others eat frozen only. You are right about the garlic....my 2 sb's, marine cuisine w/garlic = scooter feeding frenzy.


We have three scooters.I use a rigid tube to stick a frozen piece of brine or mysis shrimp into the gravel partialy exposed.They all swim over and eat like pigs while the shrimp pieces thaw out.They have actually learned that the tube means food and swim right over.


MAKE SURE THERE IS PLENTY TO EAT FOR HIM. Sorry I shouted but I had to make the point........my LFS sold me a Scooter and said it would be fine with algae. My tank was two months old........and I admit to not doing my homework and buying on impulse. Sadly the little guy starved. He was a cool ass fish too. I loved watching him, but i learned two lessons......WAIT for a long time before you buy a scooter blenny, and TWO........DO YOUR HOMEWORK.......oh yeah.......impulse buying is bad!!


Active Member
well my blenny died today and i dont think it was the eatin ause he ate every once and a while. He didn't look so good when i bought him so i think that is why he died. but u guys were a lot of help thank u.


Active Member
Hi, Next time get a bicolor blenny....they eat anything. Live, dead, plant or animal. Flake, pellet, seaweed pieces, etc. Lesley


Active Member
Same thing happened to me. I was told by LFS that Scooter would be fine in my 2 month tank.
It never ate a thing, no matter what I tried.
Now, I always do my homework before I buy new fish, even if it means more trips to LFS.