What do flame angels eat?

I got a flame angel about a week ago. I've yet to see him eat any of my homemade food consisting of scallops, whitefish, squid, clams, and nori. He does, however, constantly pick at the live rock. Is he going after pods? Algae? I'm not worried about him not eating my food as he's plump, very active, and of extrodinary color. Just curious what he might be picking off the rock.

the claw

Active Member
They love to pick at liverock eating algae and pods. That's why you need an established tank before you add one. They will generally take all sorts of other offerings as well, but they are constant grazers. That's why some get a bad rap for picking on clam mantles and such.

the claw

Active Member
I've never fed mine the mix of foods that you are besides Nori, but she loves to eat mysis or brine shrimp, and other smaller offerings. She loves it when I put in a sheet of dried seeweed selects. Do you have a mandarin in with yours?
I don't have a Mandarin...yet. That was going to be my next addition. I have a 80 gallon tank. Between the tank, fuge, and sump, I have about 150 lbs of live rock.


mine eats just about everything i throw in there from flake to brine to mysis, blood worms and picks on the lr also. hth


Active Member
I've yet to add anything mine wouldn't eat. The only exception is live mysis shrimp, actually. It picks at them, but doesn't eat them. It's favorites seem to be Frozen Formula 1 and Angel Formula. I find it peculiar that yours isn't eating anything. Hope you can find something it will eat soon.


Mine eats mostly anything also but has yet to eat any nori or dried seaweed. I thought this strange, but at least it eats food. Good luck with yours.