What Do I ABSOLUTLY Need for my 55


I was just wondering if anyone has had good experiance with reef tanks...
What equipment to buy, fish, lighting, ect.. And also how much is this going to run me?


I will assume you want a reef tank, since your in the reef forum. If you are trying to get away with a tank on a budget, that is very hard to accomplish.
The main thing you absolutely need is patience.... This can't be overstated. If you rush you will not only waste money but kill or hurt animals. I highly suggest you get together a plan and map out what the next year you want to accomplish. This will also help come up with what everything might cost. But realistically you can add hundreds to that figure ask anyone.
You will need for starters. A REEF test kit, refractometer, "strong" lights depending on what you want to keep, a heater, Filters, thermometer, Timers for your lights, power strips, a source to get reverse osmosis or RODI water (very important) Some salt mix, mixing buckets, glass cleaners for algea The list will keep growing because I really haven't even scratched the surface but I don't want to keep going. GOOD LUCK Just keep reading the forums


that really helps...
I already have a semi reef setup, but no corals yet...
I assume a skimmer and strong lighting is key...
How much live rock will I need?


Since you asked about a reef tank that is what I will shoot for. you will need some power heads, protien skimmer, PC(power compact) lights, a filter, heater, hydrometer, test kits. On a lot of these items you can skimp and get cheap ones but like said before it will only hurt you. Lights could be better which is advisable because you would probably be better off with T5 lights or Metal Halide. This is the very basics. I had a 55 and would recommend getting a sump or refugium to get a lot of the clutter in your main display tank out into the sump. There is a ton of info here on the boards, just wait and research for a bit. You can learn a lot and since your asking before setting your tank up is a good start cause I didn't and I made a lot of stupid mistakes cause I just asked local pet stores what to do. Have patience and ask questions.


Ya lighting is up to what you want to keep. High lighting for sps, anemones, most clams. I have PC with LPS and softies and it works but I would like to have gone with T5s to give more freedom with the corals I could have. I think its like 1.5-2lbs of rock to each gallon. There are a lot of ways to save money also. You can make your own base rock for real cheap and buy live rock to seed it. If you know electronics/wireing you can get a setup to make your own lighting system also. Basicaly all this info can be found in the DIY forum.

aztec reef

Active Member
visualize what you want your tank to look like, and what you type of corals you want to keep, then get the best equipment you can afford at your budget . dont skimp on: lights & skimmer.


Thanks for all the help guys!
I would really want a nice reef tank for my mating pair of clowns.
The lighting I already took care of, and yes I made it myself.
I am mainly wondering about the sump now...
Can you buy the sump at your local fish store?
and how much will they cost about?


Refuguim would be first on my list followed by T5 lights and then a RODI unit. Buy what is going to help you get a stable tank.


I have heard about this RO/DI. Something about a reverse osmosis. I have one for my house, a reverse osmosis water filtration. Do I just use water from that, or Do i actually need a reverse osmosis system for my tank? How much do those run?


Active Member
Get a TDS meter and see what the reading is on the output (good water side). If it's zero you should be fine.....I just always recommend that as the first vital piece of equipment, because you can go spend thousands of dollars on BubbleKing skimmers, RedDragon pumps, Tunze streams.....OM, and so on and without good quality water your other components are worthless.....


I agree but you could get water from your LFS and buy lights and filtration IMO...either way just get the good stuff!!!!


u need alot of filtiration i also have a 55 gallon reef u should go with a t5 lighting system because there cost efficent and put out a good amount of light intensity for ur corals u should start with some cheap fish like blue/green chromis not damsels because they get agressive my 55 has been running for 2 years i have a cascade 1000 canister filter a 60 galon whisper filter 2 power heads with filter material in them and a prism protien skimmer for filteration which keeps the water crystal clear and the nitrate down dont go with an undergravel filter because that will cause a build up of nitrates in your sand/gravel bed u need about 60 to 70lbs of rock u should start of with base rock and add live rocck on top to keep down the cost if ur gonna do corals your first coral should be something very hardy like yellow polyps, xenia kenya trees or colt coral or mush rooms


thanks pyroreef...
that helped alot.. I really have enjoyed setting up my saltwater tank, so all of this information helps greatly. I was reading your profile and it said that you are into clowns.. Clowns are by far my favorite fish. I was lucky and ended up getting a mating pair, I love them. People have told me that the lighting is not good, so i will take that into consideration. I noticed that you have to have good water flow for corals, is my two standard filters enough???
What are those are things that pump the water back into the tank called???
Also I would like to set up a sump....my cousin has a 800 gallon tank with a 180 gallon sump below, and he was going to show me how to set it up... but is it necessary???


Active Member
A sump is not necessary. As a matter of fact, I've had 5 or so saltwater tanks in my time and never once had a sump. But if I had a 800 gallon tank like your friend does, I would have a sump. I just have had and currently have smaller aquariums.