What Do I Add First?


Active Member
What to add first?
1 Yellow/Canary Wrasse
1 Blackcap Basslet
5 Blue Green Chromis
1 Blue Hippo Tang
1 Flame Angel
1 Lawnmower Blenny
1 Mandarin Dragonet
and in a month i Will be getting 2 Solomon Island Clownfish (True Percs)
Or should i add a Cleaner Shrimp or Fire Shrimp first?


Active Member
Do i NEED light for the fish/shrimp to survive if i just put one of them in my tank? With about 75 pounds of live rock and 70 pounds of live sand.


I don't know much but I'll tell you what I do know.
Add the least aggressive fishies first. the blenny or chromis first?
I think the cleaner shrimp comes first, as well.
You will want to wait a very long time for the Mandarin. i know they have a specialized diet that can only be satiated witn the stuff that grows in a very established tank with lots of little living things.
Good luck! You sound like you're starting out great. Keep up with the patience. I like your fish list, too.


Active Member
Originally Posted by FishyGurl
What to add first?
1 Yellow/Canary Wrasse
1 Blackcap Basslet
5 Blue Green Chromis
1 Blue Hippo Tang
1 Flame Angel
1 Lawnmower Blenny
1 Mandarin Dragonet
and in a month i Will be getting 2 Solomon Island Clownfish (True Percs)
Or should i add a Cleaner Shrimp or Fire Shrimp first?
heres the order i think is good...
Cleaner Shrimp
5 Blue Green Chromis
2 Solomon Island Clownfish
1 Blackcap Basslet
1 Yellow/Canary Wrasse
1 Lawnmower Blenny
1 Flame Angel
1 Blue Hippo Tang
1 Mandarin Dragonet
add the manderin after the tank is one year old AS LONG as you have 100+lbs of live rock
wait around a month inbetween adding fish


Active Member
So would that list be good if it was in a 72 gal. drilled bowfront. With a good sump and protein skimmer? If i did a 20% water change every week and cleaned the tank walls of algae atleast once a week? And i am thinking about getting a refugium if that would help.


Active Member
1 Yellow/Canary Wrasse
1 Blackcap Basslet
1 Blue Hippo Tang
1 Flame Angelfish
1 Lawnmower Blenny
1 Mandarin Dragonet
and in about a month i will have 2 Solomon Island Clownfish(True Percs)
INVERTS:--(?Too Much or Too Little?)
5 Blue-legged Hermits
5 Scarlet Hermits
5 Hawaiian Zebra Hermits
5 Electric Blue Hermits
2 Cleaner Shrimp
1 Fire Shrimp
5 Peppermint Shrimp
10 Cerith Snails
10 Nassarius Snails
10 Astrea/Turbo Snails
5 Nerite Snails
2 Sand Sifting Starfish---(?or should i get one?)
1 Red Linkia Starfish
1 Purple Linkia Starfish
Will this work???
Anything i need to change?
Anyone who replies even if they answer only one of my questions that would really be appreciated!


Active Member
i think i would go blenny, basslet, wrasse, clowns, I'm a bit iffy on the tang outgrowing that tank to quickly ( is a 72 bow 48"? ), and the flame may nip the mandarin. a coral beauty would be safer IMO.


Active Member
OK I won't be able to get enough money for the blenny, basslet, wrasse, before i get my Clowns for my Birthday (because i still owe my mom money from this one rock at the petstore. But there is a slight possibility of me bieng able to afford the Lawnmower Blenny before then So how does this sound Blenny, Clowns, Basslet and Wrasse at the same time?could i do that? and how about adding the flame and tang at the same time? then last but not least the Mandarin would that work??? I got a drip acclimater so i can acclimate them properly according to SWF.com So would that be good?
And what order do i add my inverts?
do i have to add them all before the fish?
or after or some of them?
Please Someone help with my Invert List.


inverts can be added at any time as they are mostly your cleanup crew. They will help you keep your tank clean but i would go with more snails than what you have in your list. Snails will do glass and rock and sand as the hermits usually stick to rocks. Be careful with hermits and snails together as the hermits will outgrow their shells and eat the snails for a new home...


Active Member
So how many snails would you put in there? and as far as hermits i probably have around 50 empty ones in my sand and what not but i was planning on getting the 100 count from SWF.com
Would you answer my questions to my topic "Repeat Buyers Come On IN And Answer A Few Questions.(if you have ordered from here atleast once.


Active Member
Originally Posted by xDave
IMHO only add one new fish a month.
Yup. If you add that many at a time you will re-cycle your tank.


You should go with a smaller, less ick prone tang. Blues are very prone to ick. I'd go with a Kole. I love the coloring on that fish. I would say get a powder blue, but the chromis might harass it to death. Powders don't like being harassed, they are way too peaceful.


Active Member
i am not getting the 5 Blue Green Chromis anymore.
I have been deleting things like crazy lately because of all my posts in pretty much each one their was someone that said my list was way too HUGE and i agreed with them(for fish)
here was my original list for my 72 gal. bowfront Drilled that a couple petstores and people that are into the hobby said it was good.
1 Achilles Tang
1 Blackcap Basslet
5 Blue Green Chromis
1 Blue Hippo Tang
1 Flame Angelfish
1 Lawnmower Blenny
1 Mandarin Dragonet
1 Sand Perch Blenny
2 True Percs.
Now my new list is:
1 Yellow/Canary Wrasse
1 Blackcap Basslet
1 Blue Hippo Tang
1 Flame Angelfish
1 Lawnmower Blenny
1 Mandarin Dragonet
2 True Percs
So as far as number of fish i had i cut it in half from 14 fish to now 8 fish.
Is my list going to be good now?


Active Member

Originally Posted by xDave
IMHO only add one new fish a month.
This cannot be quoted too mant times.

For the health and long life of the fish on your list, be sure to use your free will to resist
stocking too qiuckly.
I would still not add the blue tang. 72 gal will become too small.
I would keep the school of chromis, instead.


Active Member
Are you still planning on the 2 Linkia Starfish? IMO I would only go with one. The Orange tends to be more hardy. The linkia's and very difficult to keep and most do not survive in captivity for long. They should only go into well estabilished tanks (1+year). They tend to die of starvation within 9-12 mos. Also they need a lenghthy acclimation time. I have heard up to 5 hours! I would do quite a bit of research on these before adding them. Due to their survival rate I have decided against getting one!


Active Member
For the Blue Hippo Tang I am pretty sure i am still going to go with it i have had plenty of people (including on this forum) that my tank is big enough.
So how Many snails would you suggest???