What Do I add With Clowns


New Member
I Am sitting up a new tank, 30 Gallon. It has allready cycled, I know have Two yellow tail Damsels, small ones. some snails, and a couple hermits. I want to add some clowns (two). Could someone please tell me what are the best fish, inverts, to add with these. I plan to take the damsels out, or can they live together. :help:


Active Member
Take your damsels out. I had nothing but trouble keeping any type or clowns in with aggresive damsels.


Could you take the damsels back to the LFS? I think they will be territorial and perhaps harrass any new fish you put in the tank. If you could, take the damsels back, get your pair of clowns, then wait a few weeks and add whatever you would like. I have a 24 gallon with the two clowns and a bicolor blenny who is just hillarious. I really have enjoyed having the bicolor in the tank. THey are very bold and active and I see him more than I see the clowns. You probobly should on put the two clowns and one or maybe two other fish. You could also have some cleaner shrimps, emerald crabs, etc.
Is this going to be a reef tank?


New Member
Thanks for the info. The LFS will take the damsels back. No its not going to be a reef tank. I do have live rock. I will not be adding coral, at least not yet. So far things are going good. I'm going to get two percs.