What Do I Do????????????????


While visiting my LFS a month or so ago... I was talking to the person from the SW Dept and asked if there was anything i could put in my tank for brown-silmey algae i had growing over my LS. He said the a sea cuke would be the best choice. Not knowing what i was getting myself into i got it. My tank has been fine but should i keep him? Now i know that they can puke there insides and totally destroy my whole tank.....


I know that as long as they are healthy they are ok to have but what scares me id that if it does die or gets mad about something it would reekhavoc on my entire tank.


Active Member
I would probably get rid of it. Too much of a risk if you ask me. There are other things that will get rid of the algae.


Active Member
Dont feel too bad. Many people have tryed them.
They are intresting and often attractive animals. Some species are more risky than others but....
If you want to keep one then IMO they should be in an appropriate, isolated and dedicated species only system. Too risky to keep with other more appreciated pets.


What is something else i could get to keep my tank clean? It is a 10g with about 1 to 1.5 SB . I have one turbo snail (did have 2)..... One cin. clown and a condy


Active Member
You could always try some cerith snails to eat the algae in your sand bed. A few hermit crabs would help as well.