What do I need for Anenomes?


Active Member
man i wish i could be a clownfish for a day because nustling up in an anemone just looks so damn comfortable!
lucent, im not sure what you are trying to say. are you saying that you need a high sided tank so the anemone wont crawl out? Its not an octopus, and i have never heard of an anemone crawling out of a tank!
also. limestone rock? well live rock is limestone rock, its all composed of calcium carbonate (dead corals in our case), and i just dont see how a wavemaker increases gravity. i didnt know this was possible. it does improve circulation but gravity? does it increase teh g-forces in the tank?;)
good luck all


Active Member
I have to admit, I don't see what a wavemaker has to do with gravity.
And I don't care how tall you make your tank...if your anemone feels like hiking, it's going all the way to the top.
However, given that they are filled with water, I imagine it would find out what gravity does real fast when it had to independently carry the weight of that water outside of the tank..."ugh"
I actually have 2 - 180 powerheads in my 29g, and my BTA is happy as can be. It doesn't climb the walls...actually, it attached near the base of my live rock (Fiji, not quarry :D), loves the current from the powerhead, and is huge.
I guess if you have a downward current in the tank it would make climbing more difficult...is that what was being said?