What do I need to add?


I am making the trip to the LFS today. I currently have 1 royal gramma, a serpent star and 2 orange Florida snails (the kind that you have to flip over UGH
Anyways I want to add 2 percula clowns but I am wondering if I need to add more things as a clean up crew. :notsure: I lost 3 camel shrimp and a clown over a month ago. I have now figured out it was the acclimation that I used that did them in. I now know to use the drip method so I want to try again....

I have limited funds right now so should I add one clown and some snails or somethng and then add another clown a month or so later? I kind of want to make sure it does ok before getting two....
I have a 55 gallon FOWL.
Thanks in advance for your advise!


Active Member
it'd be better to add both clowns together, so either get both clowns today, or get some more snails/ hermits


Is it ok to not add more snails or things to clean right now? It sounds like other people have so many snails etc..I have 2 and a serpant star. Is this ok? I don't want to kill anything

Maybe I can do both clowns and a few more snails? :notsure: Will this overload the tank adding so much at one time? :notsure:


Active Member
no it wont overload it , inverts have pretty much no bioload, to give you an idea about how much a clean up crew you need this is what i have in my 55 reef:
50+ turbo snails
20+ tiny blueleg hemits
brittle star
cleaner shrimp
blood shrimp
3 nassirious snails (getting another 20+ soon)
yellow cucumber