What do I need?


New Member
Hi! I'm new to this board, and I just got a 55 gallon tank from a friend who was moving to a smaller apartment. I want to make the tank sw, but only have the least idea of what to do with it. I know I need a protein skimmer (what's the best for a tank of my size?), a pump (s?), a heater, and a refractometer. Anything else I will need? I plan on using lr and ls, and then starting the cycle with a dead shrimp once everything is set up. I'm not sure how to do it, but I know I want a large (not too large) show fish ( a small tang?) in the tank, surrounded by two perculas, a dwarf angel, some damsels, and a royal gramma. Any suggestions? I don't want to overstock the tank. Also, what is a sump and how does it work? Thanks so much for your time!


New Member
Thanks for that! I read through 5 pages of threads, but missed that somehow lol I still don't understand the whole sump thing, though :notsure:


Active Member
sump is a tank under the display tank using an overflow box in the sump you put your heater, skimmer, and you also have your return pump, fuge is incorporated in alot of cases via stepped dividers (over and under to house beneficial ls, lr, plants and beneficial algaes and copepod reproduction hope that helps tobin


Welcome to the boards.
This is a very good place for advice. Another help that you might want to pickup is "The Conscientous Marine Aquarist" by Robert Fenner. That book plus this site have been invaluable tools for this fun and very addictive hobby. Good luck! :happyfish :happyfish


New Member
Thanks for the advice guys! Does my stock list look ok? I don't want to overstock and everything will go in slowly, one fish at a time.


NO Tangs. End of story. The tank is not big enough un-fortunatly. Also Damsels are very agressive and will terrorize the clownfish and royal gramma.


Active Member
Welcome to the boards.
Sadly there is no such thing as a "small" Tang.
Also, as was said, damsels will rule the tank. plenty of other options.


Also add the two clown fish at the same time. they will pair better that way. And make sure there differnt sizes. The larger one will turn into a female.