New Member
Hi! I'm new to this board, and I just got a 55 gallon tank from a friend who was moving to a smaller apartment. I want to make the tank sw, but only have the least idea of what to do with it. I know I need a protein skimmer (what's the best for a tank of my size?), a pump (s?), a heater, and a refractometer. Anything else I will need? I plan on using lr and ls, and then starting the cycle with a dead shrimp once everything is set up. I'm not sure how to do it, but I know I want a large (not too large) show fish ( a small tang?) in the tank, surrounded by two perculas, a dwarf angel, some damsels, and a royal gramma. Any suggestions? I don't want to overstock the tank. Also, what is a sump and how does it work? Thanks so much for your time!