lady that i work with got a 12-gal nano about three months ago and needed some help. so went over to give her a hand and checked her water parameters and such. at the time she had 3 chromis with a little bit of LR and some yellow polyps. we got to talking and she asked about getting a clown and anemone to put in there. told her that i didn't think it was a good idea. explained that the lights weren't right and that the bio-load might push the tank over the edge. that was about two weeks ago. so today she tells me that she went and bought a clown, anemone, and from what i could gather a scooter blenny. so now she has 5 fish and an anemone in her tank, and wanting to put in more.
so i told her that there was too much as is and that the anemone probably wouldn't make it. then she said that a lfs said everything should be ok. so what, do i keep trying to explain to her, or should i just let her do her own thing?