What do people think after you tell them your hobby?


Well, I remember how I got sucked into the hobby.....
One of my friends has a 30gal and I went over his house one day and was amazed at what I saw. I was always into diving and just never imagineg that I could see the stuff I see diving in my own house. So I asked the basic question...What do I need and How much does it cost? And despite the warnings on the cost and maintainence, I jumped right in. So my point is....Most people I tell are amazed and usually sucked into the hobby. My dad loves the tank, my mom, of course, thinks its "pretty", and doesn't understand why I put so much money into it. Personally, every girl I tell is impressed....until I tell her the cost. I've never her anyone say that it was a dumb hobby, but I have had people tell my that the cost associated with it is rediculous.


one freind also has a tank, all the others think they are cool, and want me to help em set up all the diy part, my roomate wasn't really into it at first, just whatever, till i got everything set up and he was asking questions and i answered them, then when he rolled to the LFS with me he was totally into it...."we need that one, oh, damn, we need that one too!!!!!" so now he is offering to buy some fish, but still has a lot to learn about the limited quantity of fish per, and compatability...hehehe, i told him dont buy ANYTHING unless i give the ok. actually in my apartment complex, we are on the bottom floor, i made sure of that, but people have actually asked if they could look at my reef, just walked by when im having a smoke and look in and are blown away......nobody thinks we are dorks, we also have grafitti on the walls of our place, so it is a cool contrast between ghetto-industrial deco, and georgeous fish tanks

dave flood

I agree with whipple,most people say to me oh thats nice those fish are beautiful,but really expensive & hard to care for etc, & I say yes yes yes yes,but its not really so bad if you love this hobby o rany other you do it Da. :)