what do u guys think of this kind of sand???


New Member
i saw some sand today that was a really fine texture to it. from .05 to .12mm. it's much more smaller than the normal large grains of sand that you can buy at the store that is "live sand." i was going to buy 2 bags of live sand and one large back of this smaller sand and use the live sand to fertalize the other sand for my 55 gallon tank. what do u think??


don't you guys have home depot SD sand in Texas? are the sands you mentioned aragonite sand?


New Member
i haven't bought the sand yet, i saw it at a local fish store on bellaire and gessner. have u guys heard of this sand and is it good or not?????????


Active Member
What does this lfs market this sand as ???
Manufactured by ???
Any markings on the bag or what ???


hey clinvalian, it probably is carribsea; they make a fine particaled sand also;some people like to use it to make DSB;guess you talking about GLOBAL FISH & PETS; be slightly cheaper to purchase you substrate from FISHRANCH; it's only about 10 mins away from GLOBAL; prices on LFS live sand are cheapest there by as much as $20 sometimes


New Member
jakob, thanks for the advice, i'll go there tomorrow and check it out. i know exactly were ur talking about. do they have to baged kind or what kind of live sand do they have??? i was thinking of buying only 1 or 2 bags of live sand and the rest use regular sand and use the live to fertalize the other sand. what do u think??