what do u think about snowflakes


i was wandering about a snoflake for my 75 gal. with a flowerpot coral, clown, 5inch naso, longnose butterfly and yellowtail damsel(dont care about em really) also a lawnmower blennie and horseshoe crab, deco crab and 2 shrimps which are pepp. and cbs and if i get one ill prolly exchange at lfs, 35 lbs lr fixin to get more sand bed and protein skimmer excellent water filtration and can make where there will be no excape,
so what do u think

jordan 150

Nice fish might work but its hard to keep community butterflys alive because of the eels messy eating habits. but if filteration is good then it should work.


Be very careful, those gonipora are difficult to keep alive anywhere, let alone with bad water conditions.


yeah i heard the flower pots were but ive had mine for 2 mnths and is lookin very good to my suprise and i dont really understand what ur sayin tho jordan 150 about the community butterflies why the eels eatin habits would effect them are u sayin it would eat it or the tank is messy after he eats


New Member
Snowflake eels make a great addition to most reef tanks. They do however have two drawbacks. They love to eat shrimp and crabs. Secondly they love to knock over corals. As long as your corals are firmly planted ( epoxy works weel ) and the critters have plenty of hiding places they are a neat addition. To keep down on the mess of feeding them try to feed the eel freeze dried krill. Waste is kept to a minimum and your eels health will be kept. As for you flowerpot I believe they can and will do well in the aqurium if properly kept. Thje key is to move tho flowerpot around in the aquarium until he tells you where he wants to be. If yo are buying a healthy speciman he should be fully opened within a day after acclimation to the new aqurium. If he is not full extended move him to a new area. To also properly keep them make sure they are getting supplemental feedings. They require a high amount of amino acids.


yeah they can get big, but ill keep it as long as its happy cuz i wouldnt want to be in a lil bitty room with no room to move


For reef tanks, my opinion that no moray with the exception of the Dirty Yellow Moray, Gymnothorax melatremus, this moray attains a maximum length of around 7 in and is less prone to knocking over prized corals. But snowflakes are beautiful and wonderfully behaved eels and are very easy to keep. Although I've had a few dumb onea who have refused to eat anything at all, but otherwise they are beautiful fish!