what do u think of my order


Active Member
I want to get a bangaii cardinal and a bio-color blenny
I have a 30 gal tank (Long) with 40lbs lr 40lbs ls, one true perc.,one clarkii clown, and one damsel.
So what do u think I really like the two fish i want. O this is a reef tank.


New Member
I had problems with the feeding. A lot like the mandarin dragonettes. Bangaii's tend to be aggresive feeders.


Active Member
IMHO, take back the clarkii and damsel first off, and then I see no problems with the perc, cardinal, and blenny in a 30 gall. The reason I say this is b/c 2 different clowns in that small of a tank will end up fighting and the damsel is just an SOB, or will be soon. Don't overload the tank, I only have 4 fish (1 to be moved to a larger tank) in a 75 gall. reef (beginners reef) and with a reef it is more about the corals then the fish. HTH


Active Member
I know , i was going to take out the damsel but iam going to have to take apart my whole tank just to get him. The clarkii and true pers. r doing fine together and its been 1month+. They just chase every once in a while other wise the aacually swin together and look happy. Well what about a 2 spot goby or a catalina goby?


Active Member
yes deffently get rid of the damsel i wish they could outlaw those fish. but keep your eye on the 2 clowns that could be a recipe for disaster. i recently just picked up to banggaii and love them.


Staff member
How old is your tank? It sounds like it is a rather new setup. Is it?


Active Member
yeah pretty new i started it in july so that makes it.....4 months old.
I want to have fewer fish and more coral, a true reef tank.
I plan on getting the damsel out but it will be hard and if iam going to do it i better do it before i get more coral.
How does this sound? my false perc.i have now, a bangaii, and a firefish or another false clown, and one bottom dweller like a watchman goby,2-spot, or a catalina goby?
I have a 30 gal tank and a 30 gal sump-wet/dry-fuge. So it is pretty much a 60 gal tank with 30 gal display tank.


Active Member
Sounds ok with the perc, cardinal and a firefish also. Are you going to keep the clarkii then? If so I wouldnt add another perc or clown of any type. I believe the catalina goby prefers cooler water and not suitable for the warmer temps of a reef. Gobies like to dig in the sand and under the rock so make sure your rocks are very stable. Also the watchman sifts the sand, which in turn depletes the sandbed of critters. How much it depletes I am not sure, do a search for more info. Awhile back I had a scotter blenny and its a bottom dweller always was out and about. Eats pods, but mine also ate what the fish were feed, so that helped out. HTH some


Active Member
Honestly I would not add another clown. Been there tried that and new tank happened. the clown, cardinal and firefish isnt too much for your tank. Add a clean up crew and IMO, your good to go.


I am new to this but had run across what sounds like a great idea for catching damsels. one liter pop bottle and lid, leave lid on cut off bottom, making a funnel shape, clean good with vinegar and water rinse and dry. Poke 2 holes near cut-off end to string fishing line through. Bait the trap and sit back. Thats what I'm going to try when the time comes, still cycling here.