what do u when?


I'll tell you what, If that was arund where I live, and I come out and my tires are flat on my camaro, somebodys going to get suspected (you) and charges are getting pressed on your XJYA Go ahead and do it though, see if you can find the one person that treats their car as if its their own brother, then they will treat you back as if you hurt their brother... which wont be pretty. Kinda immature to be talking smack about people who are following the laws, then you go and say your going to put nails in the tires.. thats nice. I think if the parking was THAT big of a problem... the parties would get broken up by the cops just like most of the parties around here do when people park all the way down the roads and cause problems...


Originally Posted by trainfever
Move somebodys cones in Philly and you just might get shot. Seems to me that youre just po' ed because everyone was at the party but you.
Come on, dance with me baby.
ahaha. well its more than that. we have had high family tensions with that neighbor maybe for 4 yrs? one time it had escalated to a point of a knife/fist fight with my older brother and one of theirs. then my brother called his homies and all and soon we had our own little brawl. the cops came and got everyone seperated and all the moms were cryin and yelling.. since then its just been a cold war. you kno we park our cars infront of their house and they do ours and its just a endless battle. my mom is even into it! so this hole thing is just more than a parking space. therres alot of personal history involved here.
if i can remember, the whole thing started from a little racist joke. my family is filipinos and theyre mexicans, and i remember them calling my sister something i cant remember but anyway my brother got involved and boom theres our little war. sad though, i used to be cool with them years back but now i too give them the cold shoulder. hopefully the years will end this feud and i can park my car in peace!


Active Member
Well, both parties are wrong for participating in a fist/knife fight. That is certainly not the appropriate way to handle the situation. Your family is at fault just as much as theirs is.
There are racist names and jokes everywhere. If someone took a knife out everytime they heard or saw a racist joke, the world would be a horrible place to live. There are much better ways to handle racism than to fight about it. That does not accomplish anything at all.


Active Member
I think the tire thing is crazy...In my neighborhood you cant park at the curb or leave your car in the driveway for more than 24 hours..It has to be in the Garage..We have insane Covenants like they will fine you if you have the slightest stain on your driveway..They have to approve your x-mas decos, things like that..

d0 thy d3w

actually u can report them to the police..my neighbors do the same thing//and taht when theyre not partying...theyll send a cop out..who will either give them a warning or slap them with a fat fine...my neighbors got off with a warning..