What do Victoria's Secret and frogspawn have in common?


stsweene said:
hey scubaguy - the wifey and I just had our first baby girl 2 days ago,
she went through 24 hours of BS just to end up having a C-section... :mad: but all ended up very well.... Im home for my 4 hour powernap... yes sir

any advice ??? :help: :help:
Congrats...I have a five month old girl and a tank is the best thing in the world to calm her down. Only advice I have is when a family member you trust offers to take them for a night so you can get away...do it. My wife and I never wanted to leave our girl but it makes things easier when you can get those little breaks. Congrats again...and don't worry you'll still love your tank also


Originally Posted by ScubaGuy
Yeah, but would not trade them in for anything. THey are all not of that age yet but I am looking into a time share. One week out of every month I need a place to HIDE

if your lucky and they are all around the same time. Though sme are cranky unless they are having it so.... To quote bart simpson D...'dif you do D---'d if you don't. GL either way.


Thanks guys, very good advice all around.... all is well and hopefully mama and baby will be home sat. night!

I dont think I should have much of a problem showering the ladies with love, I cant believe the feeling I get already just looking at our baby and knowing that she's all ours and we created her. And I owe the wife everything for what she had to go through...

long story short she was induced, got stuck 5 times for her epideral,
one of them numbed her from the neck down for 2 hours(which isnt what should happen), it sharply dropped her blood pressure... had to get shot up with Epinephrine to fix that... puked 3 times during it all.
... afterwards had a huge headache from the holes in her spine leaking into her brain, so she had to have them filled with blood to patch them up ,3 days later, which required more sticking... thank goodness that worked and the pain went away quickly.
sorry for ranting... but it was the most ridiculous thing Ive ever seen... I dont know if the nurse was just being nice but she said it was the worst labor she's been a part of.... lol.... 22 hours from the time she was put in the labor room till when the baby was cut out... next time we schedule the c-section and save 21 hours... lol... like I said.... it was horrible... :mad: and there wasnt a thing I could do.... but the baby still came out 100%... so we're relieved. But I somehow think we'd go through it all again for the miracle we got!
thanks guys!


Active Member
Originally Posted by stsweene
Did you have your tank when you had your first? does the passion for the SW hobby die alittle for a couple months? Im hoping I can set her in front of the tank and use it as a calming device so I can convince myself its still ok to spend the $$ on it, etc... :thinking:
No no no...Not only did the passion for the hobby increase my wife let me upgrade to a 90 gallon. Wow that was expensive. Since I'm home so much more than I was before I have that much more time to appreciate it and clean it and watch the fishies.
I bring the stroller in the house put the bucket in it (her car seat) its the perfect height, and she watches them for a real long time. Heck think about it. they sell plastic fish to put in there crib to put them to sleep. She loves to watch them and falls asleep to the sound of the water swishing through the plumbing.
Praise to the all powerful reef tank.


Active Member
Hey this thread went from a talk about fish and sexy underpants to kids. How did that happen. Wait that is the normal progression of things. I knew my wife wanted kids and wasn't going to take no for an answer when bought and adorned stuff from that store.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ninjamini
Hey this thread went from a talk about fish and sexy underpants to kids. How did that happen. Wait that is the normal progression of things. I knew my wife wanted kids and wasn't going to take no for an answer when bought and adorned stuff from that store.
And that is how it starts

tank watch

My wife and I recently celebrated our 5 year anniversary. She bought me aluminum skid plates for my four wheeler. thats love. some of us are lucky...


my wife "tolorates my hobby. Guess that's all I can ask for. Would like to have the VS stuff too, but better to quit while I'm even.


yeah ninja thats what I was hoping for with the tank, with all the colors and movements and running water how can it not be the best darn baby toy money can buy... lol... she's into it as well so we got a good thing going!!!!


Active Member
Well, in answer to the original question in the title of this post, I'd say Miss Piggy.


Hey Stsweene that is why my wife did it all natural. She did the eperdermal (SP?) First needle in spine, baaaaddddd. Then after our baby was born they had to put her instantly on oxygen. Yes, wife had headaches also after wards.
Sorry for her rough delivery and glad your baby girl came out healthy and fine.