What do y'all name your fish?


Big clown - Cory (RIP)
clown - Marlin
smaller clown - Nemo
Yellow tang - Bubbles
Blue hippo Tnag - Dori
Big Royal Gramma - Gugle
Small Royal Gramma - Gugle Jr.
Damsel #1 - Deb
Damsel #2 - Flo
Cleaner Shrimp - Jacques
isnt that cute!


I have only named one fish because I like many people on this thread have lost fish that we have gotten attached to.
The fish I named is called stumpy.
It is a yellow-tail blue damsel who I thought was totally going to die because a bunch of the other damsels that I had in the tank were picking on him and they tore almost the whole tail off of him and he was swimming all lame and he was on his death bed.....then I thought I would take the chance and bought a little breeder tank for him and seperated him from the other fish and it was really funny because there was one fish that didn't realize he was safe that would try to get at him through the breeder tank. After he was in there a while I would let him out for about 10 mins under close supervision by me(so I could make sure no other fish were picking on him) then I would put him back in the breeder tank then when he was fully recovered I let him go back in there like normal and he is still alive to this day and the fish that were picking on him.....all but one are dead.
It's Kharma


I named alot of fish at first but have gotten out of the habit. A few of my original fish are still around with their names though.
big percula clown named Akula
Mandarin- Buffet as in Jimmy
6 Line wrasse- G-Fresh
Spotfin Lion- Sparky


Active Member
my fish got names..
lawnmower blenny- JD(as in john deere, get it)
marron clown- gilbert (mom named it)
kole tang-currby ( #3 is what waterfaller1 named him though)
i guess i'll just have to call my cleaner shrimp and neon gobs the MIAs cause the have vanished

barry cuda

Two freshwater turtles...Mach and Lola.
Haven't named the cardinals we just got tonight (1st fish for the tank). I was thinking "Richelieu" for one, but can't come up with anything clever for the other, so they'll probably always be "the cardinals."


Oh about the fish name,
Got two Perc, both named Memo by my son (for some reason he alway call Nemo as Memo, oh well)


New Member
I've got 2 perc clowns.
I named them "Rhumba" and "Cha-Cha" because of the way their back-ends move when they swim.


2 orange & white clownfish- Nemo & Omen (I got Omen from someone here-I hope you're not mad). I didn't want my nephew to name him Nemo 2.
2 black & white clownfish- Oreo & Cookie
1 coral beauty angelfish- Angel (can't think of one for her)
Royal Gramma- Paxil. He's soo shy..all he does is stay wedge in a rock. I think he may have social anxiety disorder.
LMB- Merlin-I can never find him and then all of a sudden...POOF!!! he's right in front of the tank.
Raccoon Buterflyfish- Bandit. Cheesy I know, but couldn't think of anything better.


you really wana know?
Volitan lion --Sauron(evil spirit thing in LOTR)
chainlink eel---Hulk(because when he smells food...hes the hulk
striped puffer---No name(because i dont have a name for him)
damsel---- The mighty titan!(he never gets hurt,he picks on every one)


Active Member
I only named one, and he's now dead. My leopard wrasse named Houdini.
Houdini was great at vanishing acts. When I switched from my 29g to a 60g, he buried himself in the sand. Everything was out of the tank and I sifted through the sand completely, and no fish. The next morning, there he was swimming around wondering what happened to all the rock.
He was later moved to the 100g, where he was fine for a long time. Then one day, he performed his last trick. Disappeared, and did not reappear for a few weeks. When he did, it was with a swarm of hermits devouring his carcass.
I decided not to name any more of my fish after that.

lil gobie

I have to name my fish or else what would I name my fish food I have
two clown fish one name coral one marlinia
one aarow crab name spidy
one yellow tang named happy
one cleaner shrimp name is shojk
two mollies name black and white
three cromis named shinny dinny and winny
two peppermint named candy cane and reddy
two annemes named stingy and shorty


Meet Barb, the stingray. My sister named her. We have had her with a name for a year now and so far Barb is doing great!


i have:
a Rusty Angel- Rusty(one of a kind name)
Maroon Clown- Valentino(we got him on valentines day)
Ember Blenny-Benny


New Member
I am so new to this hobby and so helplessly addicted as well. But even I know not to name the fish, it is true, they will die.


Y'all forgot to name your crabs and shrimp? We named ours mainly because at this point it's all we have LOL.
Electric Blue Hermit: Ole Blu
Halloween Hermit: Spooky
Red Hermit: Big Red
Shrimp: Cutie
Starfish: Silly - he loves hanging off the rocks by one arm and just looks silly!