What do you all keep the salt at?

I've kept mine at about 1.020 and everything has done quite well so far. I know that is low from what I've read, but does anyone think that it will be bad in the long run?


LionFish says......
I keep my salinity in my reef tank around 1.023 because, like it was already mentioned, it helps corals and inverts. In my Fish only tanks I keep the salinity at about 1.021.


Active Member
I have a mixed tank - reef and fish
I keep my tank at 1.0235 (it's quite easy)
My temp is 79 (I am planning on lowering to 77 slowly)
I have a 55 Gallon tank:
Proper Range for Salinity -s 1.020 t- 1.026, Proper Temp is 75 to 82
I kinda split the difference - Remember though that not all marine animals come from the same place - even on the same reef you have salinity and temp differences - closer to shore is higher salinity/temp and deeper is slightly cooler.
As our diving team discussed - wouldn't it be nice to note what and where on the reef each animal thrives - it would make it easier to recommend what to get.


I keep mine at 1.021 after a water change, and naturally as some of the water evaporates it goes up to about 1.023.