What do you call 'em?


Active Member
I used to buy albums, because that was what they are. Then that changed to CDs. The other day I bought Steve Martin's latest ________ (collection of songs) on itunes and I realized I had no idea what to call it. You know in the conversation you say, "I bought Steve Martin's ?????? and it is all about banjo music, it is pretty cool." What word do you use for the ?? Album does not work anymore, neither does CD.
As I was thinking about this yesterday and I have been having internet problems all week it made me remember this and who else remembers it. If you wanted to find out the score of the football games on Sunday you could either watch sportscenter which came on Sunday night. Or you could watch Headline news because they were the only channel that had the scroll at the bottom of the screen.


Hey when you buy a collection on I-Tunes..what do you do with it? Do you burn it to a cd so you can take it with you?


Active Member
MP3's I believe. I still buy CD's mainly. Some MP3's aren't transferable. Like Journey's last album. Bought the MP3 album, but can't burn them or download them to any other MP3 player due to "copyright restrictions". Grrrrrr.


Active Member
Meow, from itunes I just put them on the ipod.
Mantis, I know that MP3 is the generic term, but the ones from itunes are technically not MP3s. You do have to admit it sounds weird, "Hey did you hear Megadeaths latest MP3s?"

Salty, but what do you call a collection of music then? :)
Dragon, just wait until your kids are teenagers and you ask them what Album they are listenind to. You are going to get double the "Duh" look!


LOL...I still have some "albums" grateful dead...led zepplin...Lynard Skynard...LOL...A lot of good they do me...I have nothing to play them on....
ahhh....the good old days...I can't remember them...LOL


Active Member
I still have Steve Martins albums!! And believe it or not, albums are coming back. I was at Best Buy the other day and they have a bunch of turn tables.
We have sooooo many albums still

I made my daughter a poodle skirt for a 50's dance a few years ago and she asked me why I put "wheels" on it.



Active Member
Why can't it be an album. By definition
1 c: one or more recordings (as on tape or disc) produced as a single unit <a 2-CD album>
So It doesn't matter what format it is in, as long as it was produced as a single unit. We can't call them records, or bought the new CD. But I just downloaded the album is ok.
BTW is that Steve Martin's blue Grass band? Is it any good?


I have to be careful due to the fact my wife and daughter will download the music from I-tunes and others (legally), but yes it is hard, I have a bunch of cassette tapes setting in the closet waiting to get played again.
I have seen on a site for the computer ner.... Geeks that have a USB turntable from time to time. Now if they would make a cassette player the same way...


Active Member
you used to by Records, 8 Tracks, Cassette Tapes or Cds that contained an album... now you simply download the album... its still an album but no longer refered to as the medium it was recorded on...


Active Member
Well if you have more than one of his albums it would be the collection... or box set. I still would call a CD an album though.


Call em' "Jam(s)". "joint", "track", "collection of musical notes and words"..... need I go on?
For example: "I just bought Steve Martin's latest collection of musical notes and words, it is reall cool!"