What do you do about the fan?


What do you all do about the loud fan in your lights? Do you just turn it off? I like to watch my tank before i sleep and that thing is just llooouuudddd


Originally Posted by Batman1820
What do you all do about the loud fan in your lights? Do you just turn it off? I like to watch my tank before i sleep and that thing is just llooouuudddd
I hate to say this but I'm glad my fan isnt the only one. I thought maybe my lights had a bad fan or something. (Maybe thats the case with both of ours) :thinking:
I've recently sat an old light fixture from an older tank on top of my lights in the right place. It made it alittle less noisy.


That's what i thought too at first, that my fan was broken. I heard that if i lift it an inch higher i could turn off the fan. It shortens the life span of the bulb tho.