What do you do for a job and how long to teach someone that job.



I am a Stationary Engineer and it would take me 3 week to teach you my trades jargon. It would take 3 month to teach you how to employable. It would take 5 years to be great at this trade.


Im a bartender... it doesnt take long to learn drinks at all... but it does take awhile to learn how to manage your time while in the bar to get the most stuff done effectively.


I am in application IT support for Call Center employee billing and support systems. to learn my job -- about 2 months -- to learn all the background and needed information - no clue (it has been 13 years and I am still learning)


I don't know what I am. It took two weeks for the lady I replaced to teach me how to look busy and productive. Once she was gone, it took me a month to finally realize I would never have anything to do. I've been doing nothing for a year, and I still haven't figured out what all the files in my file cabinet are for. I do have an impressive collection of very thick binders full of OSHA standards and four different staple removers which I mostly just play with. At some point, I would like a job that has the words "Integral part," in the job description somewhere.


New York State Department of Corrections as a Correction Officer. 7weeks at the training academy, 4 weeks on the job training, and you learn something new every day untill you retire.


Since im only 17 I work at a pet store. It takes about 2 weeks to learn how to do everything, but I learn something everyday. People are so crazy about their pets you pretty much you have to know tons about everything.


By day, I'm a mild-mannered Starbucks employee...but at night, I throw down my green apron and...
give piano lessons!!
You would think that anyone could figure out how to make coffee, but some people REALLY have trouble with it...
I've been a pianist for twenty years (and I'm twenty-seven years old!)


Augh! I taught piano lessons to little kids back in college. That was the hardest job I ever had :scared:
So, by day, you have to decipher that cryptic coffee language, and then go from that to trying to explain music theory to little ones? You win the prize! :yes: :yes: :yes:


My Jobs:
1. Waitress - 5 days book training, 5 days floor training (takes longer for some people to learn the food, etc). It's amazing how stressfull being a server can be. Learning to manaage time to be productive is a must, otherwise it is so hard to keep up. People get cranky when they're meal is delayed.

2. Pet Shop employee - 2 weeks - 3 weeks trainging (Progressive training for about 3 months or so). For the most part you learn something new everyday though.
4. Volleyball Coach for teenage girls - 8 years playing + 2 playing/coaching. VERY STRESSFULL JOB. Teenage girls, enough said


hvac, takes probably about 5 years to learn most of the stuff. at least that's how long the union journeyman program is.
tattoo artist, some people may have it, some people may not depends on artistic ability and how bad u want to learn the trade.


Active Member
Veterinary Technician - student.
It's generally a 6 semester program with 2 full semesters of internship besides. Then you have to take the national and state boards... and to renew your license you must take a certain amount of continuing education classes each year.
Then of course you have to be trained for the procedures at your place of work...2 months I'd say, of this.
It is also possible to specialize now (after your standard certification and a certain number of years of experience) - but these programs are relatively new and are each structured differently.
No matter what you do in this field, you never stop learning..no matter how hard you try!

XhappyX- you're a tattoo artist in NJ? Can you e-mail me?


Active Member
i am a portfolio manager. it'd take me just a few short months to get you the basic skills but it'd take several lifetimes to master the trade and you'd still be humbled by the market from time to time.


I'm a Human Engineer. Gotta get a BS in Human Engineering and a MS in Phychophysics. Then get a job at JPL/Boeing/NASA for about 10 years. That'll bring you up to speed on the electrical/molecular level of visual and auditory perception.


Snailheave, are you a PM for Mutual Funds. I am an Financial Anylst and Accountant Manager for Mutual Funds. If so, what fund complex?


Active Member
Right now I am a mother (largest job description in the world), and a have a side business of maintaining aquariums, took me about 4yrs to feel confident at my reefkeeping abilities and I am still constantly learning.
Before that I was a zookeeper. 4yrs of college to learn basically nothing about taking care of animals for a living, but necssary I guess. The zoo field is a constant learning environment, some areas take about a month to learn to do, but you need to constantly be researching and learning more about the animals, some area's take 6mo to be qualified at (usually hot areas so you don't end up killing someone).


Originally Posted by MolaMola
Augh! I taught piano lessons to little kids back in college. That was the hardest job I ever had :scared:
So, by day, you have to decipher that cryptic coffee language, and then go from that to trying to explain music theory to little ones? You win the prize! :yes: :yes: :yes:
Luckily for me, I don't give lessons to little kids...I teach college students (big kids). Unfortunately, I don't get any of the really talented ones...those go to the tenured profs...I get stuck with the music minors :mad:


Project manager - managing inventory of desktop and laptop systems for an inventory of appx 45,000 systems. Keeps me busy and my staff of 3. Small dept, but we do alot.
How long to learn the job - well, I have been doing systems related work for almost 25 years.


I stack boxes in a food warehouse and a MONKEY can learn my job in 12 hours! O.K. just kidding it would take a monkey 6 hours!!