What do you do for a living and thinking of what i should be


Active Member
What do you guys do for a living? I don't want to look at every single person's occupation box so post em here. I really want to be a marine biologist when i grow up but i heard they don't make much. I want to see what you guys do.


My hubby sells medical equipment. Well, he's not the actual salesman, rather the teacher of the stuff, but still he makes a lot and all he does is talk to people all day.
He'd disagree with how I worded it, but I watch him...that's what he does. He has tro travel a lot though...


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I don't know what I want to be when I grow up... :thinking:
Therefore...I Refuse to Grow Up....


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it's not always how much you make that's important. if you LOVE it, then it doesnt matter.


Active Member
LoL. "Living on the streets." I know PLENTY of people in some facet of zoological or otherwise natural research that make plenty of money to put food on the table, roofs over heads and pay the bills. So they don't drive mercedes, but they get to be somewhere they love, doing something exciting, all day, every day.


Active Member
I stay home with three kids. Real exciting huh?

It's worth it, even though :mad:
describes alot of my days.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Mimzy
it's not always how much you make that's important. if you LOVE it, then it doesnt matter.
Amen Mimz!!


Active Member
My Dad used to say. You must do what you like or like what you do. I think you would have to go pretty high up the ladder in Marine Biology to become wealthy from it... Would you rather be wealthy or happy?... You can live good, if you live within your means. If you look closely... there are lots of folks with high powered jobs, fancy degrees and years spent in school only to have no time for their families or hobbies because they are so overwhelmed with responsibility it chokes the life out of them... It's not how much you make... its how much you keep... If you try, you will see just how incredibly simple most things are to DIY and require no special skills, just a little research and not being afraid to fail a few times. Just start small. A stay at home parent is one of the most noble jobs there is.


Active Member
I am a housewife. I live off my wife's income. She is an executive for a national portrait company. Her area ranges from Denver to Phoenix and everythin west of that, including Hawaii. Her "business trips" usually translate into semi-vacations which is really cool. (see photos that don't belong in fish photo thread for details. https://www.saltwaterfish.com/vb/showthread.php?t=202704
I did part time stuff last year installing computer equipment for them and made $18,000
with very little time invested. Don't forget that the reason you "work" is to earn a paycheck. Take away that and even the happiest worker in the world will go home.


I am a minister( no pay)...my hubby works in media services at a college...we are happily ensconced in middle class...lol.


Originally Posted by jr2857
What do you guys do for a living? I don't want to look at every single person's occupation box so post em here. I really want to be a marine biologist when i grow up but i heard they don't make much. I want to see what you guys do.
along the lines of marine biology, you can go into research that is what i do. If you go with a pharmacutical company you can make decent money. check into it.


Active Member
I did my time in the working world. I gave Uncle Sam 31 years 10 months active duty time, split between the US Army and the USAF.....Now I am retired and intend to stay that way. The military is a super way of life and has good pay and benefits if you can handle the lifestyles and deployments. Matters not what job you really like to do, the military has all the same jobs available as the civilian workforce does with the exception of things like assembly line workers etc.....and often times there is a proficieincy pay with a lot of career fields and the re-enlistment bonus in some career fields are fantastic.....You need not enlist as a front line warrior as its highly unlikely a software programmer would be on the front lines anywhere, but just the same they do get deployed here and there......
NOw all I do is fiddle with my machine shop and foundry, and fool with my fish, and play with my dogs........


Pharmacist here....Recent grad (23 years old). Its a pretty good job...great money, and people respect and value your assistance. If you have time for the school it's a good choice! Plus you get to be a Dr ;)


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IT Manager for a manufacturing company. Been working in Computers for over 10 years now. Best thing about it is that there is ALWAYS something new to learn and if you are good you can make some excellent money


IT Project Manager for a telecommunication company - also Production Desktop Support. I love it - things change constantly and it is never boring. Only Drawback I work VO and miss the social interaction that an office environment has
While Money is not everthing I am quite comfortable with the amount I make, but personally if I had to do it all over again I would go to a trade school for electrician or a plumber or any job that is pretty much never going to be able to be outsourced overseas
(But that is a subject for a whole other thread on outsourcing of IT jobs to someone making $40 a week)
The best advise to give you is make sure you are constantly learning and not getting a job and expecting it to always be there. There is no such thing as having one job for life anymore unless you are running your own successfull business.
Also at 13 I think you are far to young to decide - but it is always good to start thinking - you will change your mind about a million times. At 13 I was planning on being a cartoonist, then a physcologist then a ... well you get the point


Active Member
Been A machinest for about 12 years near.I never knew what I wanted to be untill I needed a job and then a good friend got me into manufacturing internal engine parts for race cars.That was a great job.But had to leave cause there was no learing anymore.so now I manufacture parts for flight simulators.and i would have to agree to NW2SLTFSH about.
The best advise to give you is make sure you are constantly learning and not getting a job and expecting it to always be there. There is no such thing as having one job for life anymore unless you are running your own successfull business.
My wife which has been posting here on occasion is a hair dresser for like 20 years she says she loves it and will never change jobs

dr. evil

Fire sprinkler/Fire alarm inspector currently NICET level 3 studying for level 4 and then i hope to become a state fire marshal inspector. btw my favorite inspection is the Virginia Marine Science Museum i love doing that job because i have to start at 6:00 a.m. when nobody is there and i have the whole museum to myself. man it is sooooo cool i love it.