What do you do for a living and thinking of what i should be


New Member
Originally Posted by Tstaub3
Stainglass Artist & hubbyhas own construction business
im a bricklayer in ireland wages r hopeless any chance of a job


the house remodeling department in CA is booming have any expirience in florr laying or marble laying? If so you could check for those jobs on backpage dot com or monster dot com. post your resumee on there and someone will probably contact you.


Since when is making a lot of money for a living and loving it a sin?
And since when is spending that said money and spoiling yourself a sin?


hoping to become a landscape architect still have two years of school to go then two years to become certified......... tired of doing the labor part and want to do the design part either way there is somthing satisfying, in a manual labor job, when you go home you have a feeling of accomplishment for the day ..... even though the pay is less than other jobs.


Active Member
i'm a menards hardware salesman
and in college, so for being in college it pays pretty nice i think.... i'm on the verge of getting a job in a sweet saltwater fish store, taking pictures of their livestock and upload the website, sweet mother of pearls

and no, money isnt everything, i'd love to make a ton, but i'd rather have a happy life with things i love to do(not one can't make money with things they love either)


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Estimating Department Manager for a 100+ million year industrial contractor. My wife is about 3 months from becoming a RN!! Stay at home mom to being a nurse


Originally Posted by jr2857
Well i do LOVE being a marine biologist but don't want to be living on the streets
A 12 year old Marin Biologist?!?!?! A regular Doogie Houser, MD, you are!
I'm kidding, I know what you meant.
Attorney here. Turned down CIA to stay in Alabama, get married and open my own firm.
Its never boring.


Mechanical Engineer. I get to design new systems, and develop advanced materials. I work with cool things all the time. Growing up I went in many directions trying to figure out what I wanted to do. I wanted to be a marine biologist, because of fish, a machinist, because I loved to build things. But all that soul searching, with a diversity of interests, made me a very talented Mec E...so I think.
One thing you don’t want to end up going through is getting a college degree in a useless subject, and once you graduate, you are like "What did I learn" and "What are my marketable talents" and "What am I going to do", and "who will hire me".


Active Member
Originally Posted by rschultz
Since when is making a lot of money for a living and loving it a sin?
And since when is spending that said money and spoiling yourself a sin?
who said making money at what you love is a sin?? That's the IDEAL!! The thing that counts is doing what you love FIRST - making enough money to burn is just icing on the cake.


Active Member
Originally Posted by rschultz
Since when is making a lot of money for a living and loving it a sin?
And since when is spending that said money and spoiling yourself a sin?
Actually loving money is one of the original "sins"

I'm currently a youth minister. Finishing up Grad school and then hopefully I'm off to work in a small community on the Australian east coast somewhere... housing preferably close to the beach....


Hey FCCman...you workin the Cat???? Which refinery?? Could be worse, you could be workin the Coker!!!!
Hey jr...you want to make some good money in marine biology....get a job with one of the big oil companies that has rigs in the gulf. They use marine biologists to research and ensure that they are in harmony with the ecosystem. They get paid a ton.


Active Member
Originally Posted by jr2857
What do you guys do for a living? I don't want to look at every single person's occupation box so post em here. I really want to be a marine biologist when i grow up but i heard they don't make much. I want to see what you guys do.
Well good news for me......I will beat you to the job! Then it will be really hard for you to find a job.


I work for the County's Parks and Recreation Department. Not too bad of a job if you enjoy athletics and recreational programing. We mainly offer youth and adult sports. A coordiators job isn't bad if you don't mind working nights and some weekends. I'm the facilities manager and look after all of our buildings. The pay could be better, but recreation jobs aren't hard job and they can be a lot of fun sometimes.


Active Member
by the way.... all the commenting I've been doing and not one mention of what I do. Shame on me!

I'm a vet-tech, just started in an animal hospital 3 weeks ago :joy:


oooohhh, do you know a lot about reptiles??? If so, i'll probably come to you for advice about my water dragon.


Active Member
not yet... but I certainly can pass your questions on to the right folks with the right information!