What do you do for a living???


House husband.... My wife does all the work she is an RN for Salem Hospital, plus for a different senery she also works at a retirement home as an RN. About once sometimes twice a week I work at Oregon Ceramics and build molds. Cant do a whole lot due to Diabetic, Neuropathy, and I'm legally blind. I'm just glad to get out of the house once in awhile.



Originally posted by wwfstyle
House husband.... My wife does all the work she is an RN for Salem Hospital, plus for a different senery she also works at a retirement home as an RN. About once sometimes twice a week I work at Oregon Ceramics and build molds. Cant do a whole lot due to Diabetic, Neuropathy, and I'm legally blind. I'm just glad to get out of the house once in awhile.

I am going back to school to get my ADN then my BSN. When an RN starts out at $22, that's the road for me!!


I build Weapons of mass distruction. For the Goverment of Course. Don't want anyone to get the wrong impression.:nervous:



Originally posted by JAL1639
I am going back to school to get my ADN then my BSN. When an RN starts out at $22, that's the road for me!!

$22? Man you should move to Oregon... LPN make $24 RN start at $28 and my wife has been working there for 4 months and has had 2 raises now makeing $33. As a house husband I love it when she comes home and tells me what kinda stuff she has had to deal with and that is exciting. Hearing about car accidents, gun shot wonds, attempted suicide. WOW! There is a job opening here at a retirement place and charge nurse starts out at $52 an hr. but bad thing about that is you are on 24/7 on call, but I think the money is worth it.


I work at my parents trucking company Jewelers Shipping Assoc & DL Terminals...I am...hmm lets see, I do Human Resources, Accts Recieveable, Rating, Billing, Website Design, Secreterial work for our salesmen, and I guess thats pretty much it. And since I'm the youngest here, I have to help everone else out (its like an office of about 15) with their computers, ya know, old people when they dont know how to get the CAPS off or something dumb, or show them how to email. So much fun!!!!


^^^ Also, it sucks working for your parents because everyone treated me so differently at first, like i was some little brat, but its so not like that. I am one of the hardest workers here, and it kills me to see other people sitting there getting overtime, doing nothing, seeing that its like its coming out of our pockets. And they all complain about there pay and their vacation time to me. It sucks. And I've taken and eliminated 3 jobs since I got here, I'm just more efficient or somehting I guess, so alot of people treat me like i'm out for their job. But its ok because now they know its not like that. :) Auh thats been on my chest for a while, nice to get it out. :happyfish


Active Member

Originally posted by robs8233
I am a Tech For Pentair Pool products/Rainbow lifeguard. sweet job and I get a discount on aquarium eqp.

OOO I wanted 2 Pentair Fluidized Sand Bed Filters!


Active Member
Well my job in the "real world" was a zookeeper, at the Kansas City Zoo, I worked there for five years, worked with tons of different stuff, from Cheetah's to Chimpanzee's, mainly worked in the bird dept, they are the most challenging animals and the most unappreciated, training the chimpanzee's was pretty cool though. I thought that that was the hardest most underpaid job out there, After five years I was making a whopping 12.20 an hour. BUT now I realize that being a SAHM or SAHD is the absolute HARDEST job in the world, not necessarily physically hard, but mentally very very tough, and exhausting, But it is the most important job and I am very happy that my husband works hard and makes enough money that I can stay at home with the twins.


IT manager and field supervisor for a subcontractor of RCN cable.
(since people complain I wrote too much Ill leave it at that ... ):rolleyes:


hey denny,
you must be the coolest person in the entire world, wow, i wish i could be you. how do you handle all that power??? it's like being god!!!!