What do you do?


Active Member
I was just wondering, what if your power goes out. How long will your fish live for without a heater, filter, ect.? (this is a fish only tank). I have spent a lot of money on my fish and I really don't want to lose them over a power outage. Is there anything I can do, or just hope they don't die? :confused:


stir the water constantly for circulation and take out any filters, hang on back type, because this could cause nitrate levels to increase


I use a battery back up now and it works great. I would go to the computer store and buy the biggest one you can they will save your a$$ and a lot of cash. It took a bad experience for me to get one, could of bought three for what it cost me to decide i realy did need one. :mad:


Active Member
I'v got one myself.I'm in the deep south and we have terriable thunder and lighting storms as well as hurricanes.I refuse to risk it.Pay a liile now or alot later.


New Member
All I can say is that BAttery back-up suggestion is poor.
This person say so and so 500 model can run for 24 hrs or so. That pro would cost yo alot of money and only 24 hrs. What if power is lost 2 days or 5. Too much money for what it is worth. I f fish only sys. The fish should be good for at least 3 days. Main objective is oxygen. Just like we need . Fish won't be happy but just keep them oxygenated.
I lost power for 5 days. Lost 2 of 10 fish. The 2 lost not as hardy as other.
Pirce you pay.
Buy small spare oxygen tank put tubing on it run it at 2 liters per minute????


Active Member
best respnse, but not always feasable for all of us, IMO, the battery back up is more practical, and most outages(MOST) are only for hours


Last summer I went out and purchased a generator for my system after a big storm hit and I had no power for a day. It's a good thing I did because power wasn't back on for 4 days. I would agree that you just need to have some type of plan in place for power outages, a generator, power inverter that plugs into your car, or battery backup.