What do you feed an anemone?

I have had one for about a month and a half and it refuses all food.
I have tried flakes, frozen brine, live brine, angel formula frozen food, and something called mega marine. It is frozen and is a combination of ocean plankton krill shrimp sea uchin sea worms clam mussel squid sea algae spirulina and more. All my lfs sells is frozen flakes and suppliments for corals.
Should I get shrimp from the seafood store or from Dave's ( food store).
or do I feed it decorative shrimp like the camel back or the peppermint.
I am not sure of the species it seems to be very healthy and it does not have stinging cells.
Adam :confused: :(
FWIW Adam, I feed my bubbletips twice a week. I alternate between frozen cocktail shrimp, frozen scallops, (both easily available at your local supermarket), and silversides.
I have a "

" that I feed them with, and giggle the food a bit as I touch the tenacles to induce a "feeding response".
I have never had anemones take the foods you mentioned, especially flake. They need a thumbnail size "chunk" of solid food, i.e., shrimp, scallop, fish, etc., about 2x per week.