What do you feed your angels?


What do you feed your angels. I have a Koran Angel, and Feed him Krill, Shrimp, Myris Shrimp, Seaweed selects, all soaked in Zoe. I have also tried some frozen Angel food from my LFS. It is a red color, with some seaweed looking stuff in it. He does not touch this stuff. Does anyone know a good frozen Angel formula.


Active Member
I use emerald entree with other frozen foods. My angel seems to love it. It is true that a sponge based food would be great, but I dont know of any by name, my LFS dont carry it....but I am going to talk to them and get something in on the next order.
Another sponge based food from what I have been told is formula 2, which is a very good source of food for herbivores and really brings out the color.


I have tons of angels, I feed all of them what the yshould eat. The key to keepin angels are feeding them the right stuff. I feed all of mine 2 cubes of angel formula, 2 cubes of formula 2, mysis shrimp, and all of this food is soaked in zoe, zoecon, and garlic. They all look great and are thriving.