My tank is not your typical Discus tank. I only have one Discus, I could keep 2 but they would just fight as did 2 angels. So I have opted for just one. My tank is 30 gal and depending on the size of your tank a nice school is 5 of them if you have a 55 gal tank or bigger.
Watch the gouramis, sometimes they can be nasty and scare the discus especially if there is food involved.
One thing I do love to use is those plastic worm holders you can get for the tank. I put all my frozen foods in there, if you have 5 or more discus make sure you have at least 3 of these holders so they all can eat. They are still cichlids after all.
When young they need very frequent water changes and feedings, as they get older they can be fred 2 times a day but still need good clean water.
I like to use mopani wood in my tank for that natural look. I do use some plastic plants as i cannot be bothered with the live ones. The only thing live i have is a 2 moss balls (marimo balls) these things are so neat and the catfish love to roll them around the tank. They are great for nitrates.
The ideal tank to me would be:
55 gal tank
5 Discus
8-10 Neon tetras or rummynose tetras for schooling fish
1 bristlenose
4 catfish
Live plants as you wish or plastic
Very breathtaking discus fish are. They just are not easy for me to get here and very expensive when I can get them. I do love the one I have and it is my second attempt with them. Learned the hardway with the first one. Keep all unruly fin nipping fish away from Discus at all times and you will have a very beautiful tank.
With a Discu tank you must devote the tank to them only and they will do wonderful.
Hope this helps.....
If you want anymore help you can email me at: