What do you feed your discus?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Debbie
Watch for the pleco swimming along side of the Discus, if this happens out it comes ASAP.
At night is when they do the most harm. You wake up to Discus pinned into the corner of the tank, stress bars and all showing. I know it just is not worth it to me. I pay dearly for these fish here and they are truly beautiful.

Well the pleco went back to the LFS yesterday. I replaced him with 2 small albino corys. They had a bristle tooth pleco but I went with the corys instead. Thanks for the advice.


Active Member
They love live mosquito larvae. Put about 12" of nonchlorinated water in a clean dark container at least 18" tall and put it in a constantly shady spot. Don't add any water unless it all evaporates. Just let it get stagnent. If you have any mosquitos in your area you will soon have larvae. They float on the top and when you tap the container they head for the bottom.
Go to the bait shop and get some night crawlers. They also like maggots. Just hang a raw porkchop where animals can't get at it and you'll have all you need in no time. Yeah, I know, YUK!
One of the highlights of my professional aquaria carreer was Dr. Whattley called me to ask me something! He just wanted to know if we shipped live black worms, but it was still cool! I hooked him up and he sent me a signed first addition of one of his books, and they guy I refered him to treated my to a spectacular dinner at a very exclusive resteraunt.