what do you feed your fish?


I feed my fish only frozen brine, I would like to add one or two other foods for the fish. I have no idea what is good to feed them something they like that won't cloud the water. Any suggestions on some good food for fish aside from the brine shrimp which I would think almost all of you feed. What else can I try? thanks


Hello,I feed Formula 1 and 2,beaf heart,fd krill, fd plankton,marine quisine,lots of greens for the angels+my angels love tetra
marine granules.


It really depends on your fish. Right now, I only have damsels (im cycling my tank), and so I only feed them brine shrimp, but you'll need to do research for each kind of fish you have, and feed them the appropriate stuff.
I also know that most fish like flake foods.
You could also try blood worms...my fish love that. I also feed flake food, and Formula One. You will want to rotate the food for a balanced diet, this way the fish get a little of everything. :)


I have damsels, a marroon clown and scooter blennies (plus a couple of anenomes, a Hawaiian brittle star, lots of hermit crabs, a peppermint shrimp and 2 beautiful feather dusters.) The tank gets frozen brine shrimp and flakes daily. They get dried plankton occasionally (maybe twice a week). I feed invert food about once every three or 4 days. Once in a while I chop up a couple of popcorn shrimp and feed bits directly to the brittle star and anenomes - and to the peppermint because he'll steal from the other animals if I don't.


As long as you feed a varied diet to your fish they should be happy. I feed brine shrimp, krill, bloodworms, algae, chopped squid... all kinds of stuff. I also soak it in KM zoe. Good vitamins!
BassMaster has the best advice. Research what kinds of food your fish eat naturally, and try to supplement a varied diet around that.
[ July 26, 2001: Message edited by: mal ]


Staff member
A solitary diet of brine shrimp is not sufficient. Cloudiness usually occurs with some flaked foods.
Personally I make my own fish food using fresh sea food, Seaweed Selects or Nori, carrots, Zoe and Zoecon in a small food chopper I bought for my fish. It is much cheaper than buying commerical "fish" food, and, I believe, more nutritious. If you look on the lables of most frozen fish foods, it is mostly moisture.