What do you feed your Marine Fish?


I would like to know what other people are feeding their Marine Fish?
I have a Clarkii Clown, Percula Clown, Hippo Tang and a Pigmy Angel in my 29 gallon reef tank.
I feed flakes. I recently added 3 clowns and a flower pot coral (I think that is what it is called). My lobster is little and he gets frozen shrimp. what is left after the hermits get ahold of it. everything seems ok.


flakes, and frozen i alternate formula one and prime reef. sometimes straight frozen brine, but prime reef is better for this. the more variety the better.
i give them variety.some times flakes,live brine, my homemade stuff(squiud,mussel meat,shrimp etc and garlic)i give my clean up crew a peice of clam meat and they eat all up and my tomatoes have a fun eating live guppies(once a week) <img src="graemlins//freak.gif" border="0" alt="[freak]" />

richard rendos

Active Member
I rotate almost every day. Marine flakes, veggie flakes (Omega One), new veggie pellets (Omega One), Formula One and Two Flakes, nori (for tangs), Frozen - Emerald Entree, brine shrimp high in HUFA'S, Marine Cuisine. That's about it. I think variety in foods keeps fish healthy.

sinner's girl

frozen brine and flakes (they only get flakes once in awhile) i feed shrimp to the inverts, but the clowns will it too if they can get a piece.
the clown at seaweed when i fed it to the tang


It's looking like a lot of people use frozen and Flake marine foods for the salt water fish.
So do I.