what do you guys get out of this hobbie??


I was thinking about why i wanted to start a salt tank and for me its to have somthing to look at that i built. somthing to showoff when friends come over.
what about you guys?


For me, I am always looking for things that are a challange. I like to stay busy and I like having things to focus my attention on. Stressing about the chemical levels in your tank is far better than stressing about your bills. I enjoy the look of reef aquariums and our family visits the Monterey Bay Aquarium every year. And of coarse, I love having people oooohhhh and aaahhhhh about my tanks.


LionFish says........
Well, strictly speaking of fish right now, I would say the look people get on their face when they hear I have poisonous fish. People get a scared look on their face when they see all my lions. Really, the lions aren't frightening, but the thought of getting stung puts fear in their heart. Also, my reef tank stands as a conversation peice when people visit. They always ask if those are live corals or if that crab is real. This hobby challenged me but I did it for the sheer enjoyment of fish. I enjoy watching fish and keeping them. And, it's always cool to be able to say that you have an actual piece of the ocean in your house.


I got into fish because it is the only thing that I own out right. I am god to my fish. I control pretty much every aspect of the tank. I control the light, the food and the water conditions. I always wanted to be in control of something my wife has nothing to do with.
So my final answer would be, that I have control of something in life.
I agree with blueberrybomber. Its a piece of the ocean that you can bring into your life and share and help people understand the beauty and other life that there is. And of course for thr beauty and relaxation of watching the fish and other live things go about their lives as if they were in the ocean. I guess I could have just said thr beauty.


Active Member
I just think it is a very rewarding activity. If there is a better hobby out there I'd like to hear what it is. I get such a positive feeling of accomplishment from it, it's tough to describe.
Sorry I'm so terrible with words. All of you that have been keeping marine tanks know what I'm trying to say!
Take care,
Dan'l :D

mr . salty

Active Member
The challenge,and rewards in knowing that I have reproduced one of natures most complex,beautiful,and fragile ecosystems right in my living room.....NUFF SAID
[ August 13, 2001: Message edited by: MR . SALTY ]
[ August 13, 2001: Message edited by: MR . SALTY ]


Active Member
Well in my case I was being selfish when I started. For 12 years our family had horses and most of the time they were on my property which saved me money but meant that I had to feed them, clean stalls, and haul them to the horse shows we went to. When we finally had to move we decided to get rid of the horses but after 12 years of stall cleanings and hauling water to the stalls in 90 degree heat and -40 wind chills I decided to find a hobby that I didn't have to leave the house to do. I have become completely hooked on my fish over the last 8 years and can't imagine what I would do with my spare time if I didn't have them to work on and fret over. The downside is the same as it was with the horses-we hardly ever go anywhere for more then a few days because I trust no one with the fish (the horses I could get someone to handle for me) due to the problems a little mistake could cause.
I started salt because it would've been pretty boring having a freshwater tank sitting in the living room when if I wanted to see that all I would have to do is walk out the back door into lake Superior or drive about 30 miles to "americas only all-freshwater aquarium". And besides, the saltwater fish are much better looking.
[ August 14, 2001: Message edited by: chocochipper ]


Active Member
Satisfaction of being able to keep saltwater fish and corals alive and well in my family room.
Always something new to learn and see in the tanks.
Looks cool too.


Active Member
Self satisfaction.
To be able to stop and clear your mind of everything and look at something as simple as a single polyp and to be amazed by it is an awesome feeling of relaxation.


I've already taken up golf and scuba diving, so I decided that I needed yet ANOTHER hobby to keep me from paying off my wedding. :rolleyes:
OK, seriously, I grew up wanting to be a marine biologist but changed directions during my junior year in high school and went toward advertising/english instead (WHAT was I thinking?).
Scuba diving further encouraged me to delve in to my own SW tank endeavor.


It is hard to put into words. I always wanted to try salt water but was afraid that I would kill off everything or cause the tank to crash. Now that I took the step, i wonder why I took so long to get started. Friends ask if I am ready to give up my tank yet, if it is too much work. First it is not work, I enjoy it too much, secondly I want 180 for the front room. The amazement, the beauty, the proud feeling when someone is intriged or amazed by it. Oh hell I don't know, I know I love my fish.
Shel :D


New Member
Besides always being amazed by the beauty of saltwater fish, it happens to be the only time of my day that is peaceful. When you can look at a new tank that is cycling and has nothing but live rock for over 3 hrs, you are hooked. My tank is never the same. Every day something is new or different, or bigger or better than yesterday. The whole stress of when something is wrong, becomes a challenge and when you are the only one that can fix it, you get a great feeling of accomplishment. I am still very new at this hobbie, and although I am going broke and find myself staching money so I can go buy something new, I find that this has to be the greatest thing I ever did. No one will ever understand the excitement unless they have there own. Some people see a shrink, I prefer to see my reef. ( both cost just about the same ) ;)