What do you guys have in with your seahorses?


Active Member
I'm getting ready to set up a seahorse tank and looking for ideas for tankmates. It's going to be a 20 gallon. I've checked out the list at seahorse .org but it dosen't seem like their is much you can put in with seahorses. Anyone know how big of a tank you need for a royal gramma?


New Member
My seahorses are going to be just by themselves. It's going to be cute the way it is setup-with adorable yellow horses just hanging around:)


Active Member
A Royal gramma is way too aggressive to be kept with slow moving seahorses.I suggest you research keeping seahorses.


Active Member
I have done lots of research and on seahorse. org it says that royal grammas are ok with horses. I was trying to get some personal experiences though.


It does say royal gramma is ok with them. I don't have any experiance with them so I don't know. I do have a seahorse tank with no sea horse but I got a mandarin dragonet in there right now who is going to stay. He was already eating frozen when I got him so that is always hard to find.


Oh ya. I would go firefish they are realy pretty colors to add to a tank. I have one in a bigger tank and I love him!!

darth tang

Active Member
With my horses I have kept firefish, royal gramma (he was given away), engineer gobies, percula clownfish........you have to be carefull with the perc, it is hit and miss.
Cardinals are fine as well....seen this done.
what kind of clean up crew are you going for?


i have a yellow redi ( sp ) with a green spooted mandrian, percula clownfish, lmb also have many hermits snails in the tank i got one huge hermit bout half the size of a baseball, and sometime she will hitch to the shell and ride around, very cute also have some emerald crabs too.


Active Member
Originally Posted by corally
I have done lots of research and on seahorse. org it says that royal grammas are ok with horses. I was trying to get some personal experiences though.

I have two seahorses in a 20 G with a royal gramma. He does not bother them but feeding takes a long time with the RG, chromis and shrimp pestering. I am breaking the horses of brine and feeding frozen mysis, then I will move on. I am only 2 weeks into it. I do have alot of hiding places and hang out places though. It still is a worry for me until I know they are eating properly.

my way

Active Member
Why would you want anything in a tank with Seahorses other than a clean up crew? they are so fascinating on their own. Is the average clean up crew safe with Seahorses?


Active Member
Originally Posted by My Way
Why would you want anything in a tank with Seahorses other than a clean up crew? they are so fascinating on their own. Is the average clean up crew safe with Seahorses?

I won't have anything in there but them once my big tank gets here and gets up running. I am the victim of my wife and 8 yr olds impulse buying!Mc

darth tang

Active Member
Originally Posted by My Way
Why would you want anything in a tank with Seahorses other than a clean up crew? they are so fascinating on their own. Is the average clean up crew safe with Seahorses?
Movement, diversity, and color additions..........


I have a queen conch, a turbo snail, and a porcalain crab. I don't think they do much for eating the meaty leftovers of the shrimp. What would be good for that??


Active Member
Originally Posted by aredmon
I have a queen conch, a turbo snail, and a porcalain crab. I don't think they do much for eating the meaty leftovers of the shrimp. What would be good for that??

Sea Star


Active Member
Originally Posted by My Way
Could,nt you just get Jockeys for them they usually are brightly dressed.

Here they are, please send jockeys! What do I feed the little men? I hope they eat ick!


Active Member
Originally Posted by grumpygils
I have two seahorses in a 20 G with a royal gramma. He does not bother them but feeding takes a long time with the RG, chromis and shrimp pestering. I am breaking the horses of brine and feeding frozen mysis, then I will move on. I am only 2 weeks into it. I do have alot of hiding places and hang out places though. It still is a worry for me until I know they are eating properly.

grumpygils, what kind of horses do you have? They are really pretty. Thanks for the help everybody, I really appreciate it. I have been referred to seahorse .org several times but I am getting a much better response here.


Active Member
Originally Posted by corally
grumpygils, what kind of horses do you have? They are really pretty. Thanks for the help everybody, I really appreciate it. I have been referred to seahorse .org several times but I am getting a much better response here.
Hippocampus Kuda


Active Member
Originally Posted by My Way
Could,nt you just get Jockeys for them they usually are brightly dressed.

Go ahead and laugh, but I saw a cleaner shrimp "riding" a small yellow tang at the LFS.
So. . . .it could happen. . . .
Seriously, Has anyone mentioned pipefish? I've read they make good tank mates for sea horses.