What do you guys have in your refugium?


Active Member
I was thinking of putting maybe 2 margarita snails, and I was wondering what else you can put in there? do you guys have anything in yours?


Active Member
I have LR, chaeto, hermits, snails, peppermint shrimp and hitchhikers that have been banished to the refuge.


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I have liverock(tonga and fiji) with about a four inch deep live sand bed and about a hundred dusters with the red ones too. I also have caulpera.

nm reef

Active Member
My refugium has evolved into more of a "supplimental filtration system"....assorted macro algaes....good amount of LR...5"-6" sand bed....a single maroon clown....a 5 year old brittle star....a couple of redleg hermits...a single pistol shrimp....a couple of turbos.....and masses of pods/worms etc.

....and maybe once a week I do "feed" mine.......normally a cube of brine or mysis


Active Member
Originally Posted by bergamer
reefnut, do you have to throw food in the refuge to feed those critters?
Outside of feeding the tank DTs and Cyclop-eeze, I do feed some morsel food once a week. The only things I worry about is the peppermint shrimp and the hitchhiker crabs, everything else would be fine w/o special feedings.
I forgot to mention the pods & bristle worms... lots of pods and the bristle worm population is on the rise!!


Like NM I have a 55 gallon filtration tank which to me is its own living breathing ecosystem that just happens to be attached to the main tank.
I have a good 4.5-5 inch sand bed made from ootlic style aragonite sand.
Chaetomorpha algae and Several hunks of live rock.
I have witnessed the pod larva floating in the water column, I have a growing number of amphipods, copepods, isopids and have several chitons running around.
I have Fire worms, Terebellidae, Cirratulids and Sabella worms, melanostigma, chaetopterid worms, and spirobidae worms all over the glass rocks and even the heater.
I also have a couple of unknown hermit crabs, a red leg hermit.
A fighting conch, micro snails, Turbo snails, Stometella vara , a nassarious snail and astrina starfish.
There are even sponges growing in there.
I did put a mini brittle star in once but never saw it again, shame to because it had 6 arms.
I do feed it some frozen mysis or plankton about once per week, I also feed the tank DT's phyto plankton and cyclopeeze at night.
Fuge is lit at night with 80 watts of NO lights. 2-48 inch Aqua D bulbs by URI