What do you guys think of my tank, Check out the pictures!


Active Member
Beautiful looking fish, but your tank would definitely benefit not only in appearence but biologically speaking with the addition of at least some live rock.
What size tank is that?
Could you maybe post a solo pic of the angel? It definitely looks like a juvenile koran angel to me, but it could be a juvenile annularis as well. The juvenile koran, annularis, and imperators look almost identical to the common eye from afar, but the difference is the white lines on their body. Yours has the straight lines, which is usually a Koran, whereas the Imperators have the semi-circular white markings on their body. The annularis have almost the same markings as the koran but the blue is a little deeper on the annularis. All three look 100% different as adults however.


Sup Dude,
I think your tank is pretty sweet dude and those pics don't do that Gorgeous lion ANY real justice. A polarizing filter and the right lighting/flash combo can make a world of freaking difference when it comes to Aqua-photography.
I totally agree with Lion_Crazz in regard to the addition of Live Rock, who would disagree though? Yes, it's possible to have a relatively stable and healthy Marine tank without any Liverock but it's not worth the effort and money for higher end Biological filtration.
What size is your tank dude? Looks nice. If that's live rock, it has the least Coraline coverag of any LR I've ever seen. I've seen some Tonga branch and Tonga pieces(base rock quality - best) going around lately that looks like non LR>
BTW Lion - Dont ya love the way the sweet ass Angel Family changes color? I've taken an Emperor Angel from tiny Juvy to full grown(read quite large) adult. It's awesome to behold to say the least.


Active Member
that rock came out of my dads saltwater tank....it used to be bright purple, but he broke his tank down and let it die...its been like 4 years....but i thought it was live rock?....or is it just rock now?
thanks guys!


Active Member
Jer4916, if your dad let it die, there is no life on it anymore. It is just rock. You need to get some live rock and put it in there to spread the good biological filtration over to all of your other rock. Over time, all of your rock in the tank now will eventually become live as well. Keep in mind, if and when you go to purchase live rock, try to get cured/cultured live rock. If it has any foul odor whatsoever, that is okay, it just means it is not cured. With that stuff, you will just need to bring it home and let it sit in a bucket of saltwater for 3 to 6 weeks with a powerhead in the bucket to cure it yourself. Like stated though, the fish in the tank are definitely beautiful looking, and they all look very healthy.
IrishSalt, angels are definitely one of the coolest fish in the ocean. The transformations they make are just amazing to witness. Any cool pics of your old emporer angel?


Active Member
will my old rock someday become live rock again?....how do i help it if it will....can i just buy live rock and just throw it in?...or will that mess up the bio filter?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jer4916
will my old rock someday become live rock again?....how do i help it if it will....can i just buy live rock and just throw it in?...or will that mess up the bio filter?
Did you miss my above post for you? I basically said everything you asked before you asked it...


Originally Posted by lion_crazz
IrishSalt, angels are definitely one of the coolest fish in the ocean. The transformations they make are just amazing to witness. Any cool pics of your old emporer angel?
I might be able to dig up some ole Digi PIcs for ya. Gimmie a week bro. To this day I haven't seen any Emperor Angels up close that could compare to my baby. I don't know what the Average life span for said fish is but it's been six years. If it's still alive, it's surely something to stare -.
BTW bro.......My 29 gallon is totally cycled with 40lbs LR..30lbs ls. Just two Turbo snails and three good ole hermits. I did a 20% change today(coralife salt) and added a 20 Watt Marine-Glo floro tube.
I'm setting up a 125 Gallon in our guest bedroom next week that's going to be an agressive only tank. SHould be bad ass. I'm going to be running the Mod'd Remora Pro SKimmer that was for sale here. A Magnum 350 Pro Bio-system(lots of LR...think LS bed) and a UV Sterilizer. I'm sure it will be kick ass. I want a nice Volitan and a lil eel to start with.


Originally Posted by Jer4916
will my old rock someday become live rock again?....how do i help it if it will....can i just buy live rock and just throw it in?...or will that mess up the bio filter?
Sup dude, Lion_Crazz spelled it all out for ya before ya asked....lol. Fully cured LR can be added to your established tank. I'd be very curious to what kind of Filtration your rocking without an LR.
What makes LR LIVE, is the Corraline and Bacteria that live on the rock. Your rock ISN'T live but it will be eventually if you add live rock to the tank. Over time coraline will grow on the rock and Bacteria will live on it.
Uncured LIveRock is cheaper but it will take some serious curring time before it can be added to the tank. CUring live rock can range from a mild foul smell to one that would make you vomit(read you def. wouldn't want to be sleeping in the same room.
Also keep in mind that Rock density can vary greatly so shop around locally and have them weigh it before you buy it. Buy rock that's relatively lightweight and porous.
EDIT - What size is your tank dude?


Active Member
my tank is a 55 gallon. i plan on buying a 125 around mid august.
but for bio filtration im running a eheim designed for a 66 gallon, and a protein skimmer designed for a 55 gallon, and 2 power heads, one produces 295 gph and the other does 395
all together total gph in my tank is around 900 gph,...which is good because someone told me the min i needed was 515 so im almost double....also in my nano tank ....my " DEAD" rock is COVERED in red alege...i have a water pump in there that does around 200gph and a HUGE empeor filter designed for a 60gallon fresh (its a bio filter...and its working great) ...only reason i set that one up was because of my clowns...i didn't want to give them away..and i didn't want my v-lion to eat them....so ...it became a new home for them.
pix here :


Active Member
keep in mind this rock, is the SAME age as the rock in my main tank...and was the same color...and honestly has done more changing in 3 weeks in this nano than it did in 3 months in the main tank



Active Member
Nice fish in this tank as well! Like your other tank, more live rock will make it look beautiful!
What are you running for lights on your nano and how many gallons is the tank?


Active Member
all you need is one nice peace of very live rock and your tank will come to life within a few months


I know alot will disagree with me, but.....
His rock will serve the same purpose as live rock for biological purposes. Any porous, calcerous rock will eventually become a home for nitrifying bacteria. Granted it doesn't have the aesthetic values as good LR, but as long as he keeps it in the tank, and doesn't take it out and scrub, bleach, etc. it IS live rock (after 3-4 months in an established tank).
Another thing I see all the time and disagree with...
There is no need to buy live sand, if you have live rock and relatively fine grained sand. The flora and fauna will migrate from the rock and work their way into the sand. This sand will be "live sand" within a few months.
BTW- Florida Keys "live sand" is a sham. It is a crime to harvest sand from below the low tide line in Monroe County FL. It is considered dredging, and a total no-no. The dealers take their sand from islands, place it in holding tanks, and then sell it a month later.


Active Member
Since im waiting to set up my 125 (im moving in a month) ...i took all the sand i bought yesterday (in a bag) ..and mixed it with the sand in my 55....in about a month will that sand be complete live sand?. ...ready for the new tank?...i was thinking my current live sand would spread over.
watcha guys think?


Assuming that you have "live rock", or highly populated "live sand", yes the beneficial microbes/critters will spread. Remember that you need to keep the biological activity in your sandbed going with something, IE- fish, hermits, food, etc.