What do you have in your refugium?


I just recently converted the right side of my sump to a refugium. I have some rubble and a larger piece (1-2 lbs) of fiji sitting atop a 3 inch bed of aragonite and sand from a well established reef at my lfs. I added caulpera to it last week, and my question is, what would be the next logical addition. A more self sufficient ecosystem is what I'm trying to do. What do you keep in yours?


Alright...... someone respond please. Today's Sunday and I don't know what Sunday means for the rest of you, but, it's my day to go spend money on my reef and get yelled at by my better half for doing so. I need suggestions.


nope good refugion you got there. Today is the day to buy some corals, inverts, and fish, think of the possibilitys!


Active Member
I keep 3 types of caulerpa, pods, a couple snails, mini stars, various worms and an urchin. I'm adding sea bunnies soon.
I have a 3 to 4 inch sand bed in mine with about 3 pounds of live rock. I have very little caulerpa in mine, I'm trying those shaving brushes that swf.com sells to see if they lower my nitrates. I planted all 5 in my refugium last week. Still awaiting results.