What do you name your fish?


I am interested in seeing what everyone has named their fish and or tank creatures. I have a black percula clown who Ive named Priscilla (because she is soooo prissy and bossy to her mate) and a hermit crab who Ive named Hermes. Anyone else have any interesting names?


Active Member
2 perc clowns- nemo and marlin
CB angle- meany
magenta dottyback- The Boss
YWG- Mr. Grumpy
Scooter blenny-cameleon (changes colors at night)


Active Member
i learned a long time ago that it is to hard to name fish.
my kids haven't learned that yet
we had Bubbles at least three times now.


Yellow Tang- Pootie Tang
Hippo Tang- Ellen Degeneres!
Ebili Angel- Fat Boy
Purple Psudechromis-Lipstick
6 Line wrase- Skittles
per. clown- nemo (of course)


The kids name most of ours so far. Shouldn't be too hard to figure out what those are
In addition to a Blue Sally the blue damsel, Ike the yellow tail damsel, we are expecting delivery tomorrow of Dorie the blue tang, Patrick the starfish and sometime in the near future they are looking forward to Nemo and Marlin the percs.
I can claim only naming one myself and that is Indiana the green wolf eel which was just added to my aggressive tank tonight. Soon to be joined by Henry the fuzzy dwarf lion.


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solid black occ. clowns are named Abercrombie and fitch
Spotted mandarin draggonette Mandy ( i know you would have never guessed)
pink and blue shrimp goby Goby
Neon goby Neiman


i named my dog faced puffer chunky puff that i think is a really funny name


I have a Porcupine Puffer that is named Baby because it is my wifes baby and follows us around and eats out of everyones hand, but it is her baby.

jonny bolt

Maroon Clown - Doink (the Clown)
Decorated Goby - (Big) Bailey Kane
Valentini Puffer - Puffizz (aka Puffahz, Puff, Poof, A. Puffer, Puffah, Puffy)
Fuzzy Dwarf Lion - Bub (aka Bubby, Bubbah)
Flame Angel - Yet to be named
(2) Blue Devil Damsels - Yet to be named
1 big hermit crab - "Boot"


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I wounder if any one else has this problem.... I name my fish and they die........ So I have a tank with nameless fish...... SAD HUH!!!


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spiney boxfish puffer -spike
vol lion-3rd
silver scat-scat
panther grouper-spot
lunear wrasse-cant curse on this forum

bi colored fox face- foxy 2
we havent named the 2 eels eels yet
reef to many to name them all but some have names some yet to come
vol lion jr
hippo tang-dori(origanal huh lol)
maroon clown-marvin and cleo
flame hawk -zombie(2 black eyes hehe)
unicorn tang -uni
dotty back -doddy
sailfin tang -queenie(she thinks she rules)
eel tank
tess eel-ED
all damsels we call kenny as my son says when one dissapeers who killed kenny


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My four year old named our two false percs nemo and nemo the second
purple pseudo: fuschia
yellow tang: lemonhead
kole tank:goober
black and white clown (in a different tank) domino


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LN Buttefly-Frank
Pair of clowns-Marco and Polo ( Freak out when there more than 5in apart and can't find each other)
Lawnmower Blenny-Lenny
I'm getting a jawfish which will be peek aboo
my Royal Gramma is Maurice
I'm 15, don't call the fish the names but thought they should have a name...also when I shouted come on fish eat your food, my mom that I was cursing


When I got my first tank years ago, I tried to be witty. I had a Zebra eel named Murray (Murray/Moray eel, get it? Heh), a Chocolate Chip starfish named Hershey, and a Flaming Scallop named Liberace. All crabs still bear the moniker TINA, after a friend I once had who did untoward things with my boyfriend, ending in the best poetic justice ever. Karma, baby!


I'm particularly partial to Rocky, Oscar, Clyde, Earl, Julius as far as names go...
But for "names" I like Gravity, Pillow, Pumpkin, Robot...or possibly a combination of any two :p