What do you name your fish?


Blue Hippo Tang - Dori (I know, I know she was given to me with that name)
Humu Humu - Kimo
Female Clarkii Clown - Maggie
Male Clarkii Clown - Roscoe (poor hen pecked little buggar)
Bi-color psudeo - Haupa
Yellow damsel - Pudge
Lawnmower blenny - Rosie
Giant Hermit Crab - Harry
Condi - Sweet Pea & her sexy shrimp is Vito
Hermit crab w/turquoise knees - Lucky (he's lucky to be alive but so cute)
Haven't named the cleaner shrimp yet.


Blue hippo- Big Rhonda
Puffer- Gus Gus
Emperor Angel- KusKo
Powder Blue- Lola
Foxface- Munchos
Marine Beta- Wade
Lemonpeel Angel- Lemonaid
Coral Beauty Angel- Bella
Flame Angel- Firedancer (Not my choice)
Red General Starfish- Stonewall
2 Spotted eels- Bonnie and Clyde
Zebra Eel- Fatsum
Black Ribbone eel- Jetsum
Mandarin Dragonet- Pat
Perc Clownfish- Sharkbait


Active Member
the only fish i have named...
convict damsel (3 stripe) - Manson
Volitan - Lambert (the sheepish lion)
SFE - Damion
Velvet damsel - Oprah
Sebae Clown - Spoc

jonny bolt


Originally Posted by Jonny Bolt
Maroon Clown - Doink (the Clown)
Decorated Goby - (Big) Bailey Kane
Valentini Puffer - Puffizz (aka Puffahz, Puff, Poof, A. Puffer, Puffah, Puffy)
Fuzzy Dwarf Lion - Bub (aka Bubby, Bubbah)
Flame Angel - Yet to be named
(2) Blue Devil Damsels - Yet to be named
1 big hermit crab - "Boot"

I think I'm gunna name my Flame Angel....Tony. HAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAA


A 14" enginer goby its name freight train My kids named my yellow tang old yeller


Active Member
sergeant scooter ---scooter blenny
pammit with a d ---damsel
tom and jerry ---mated clowns
lonely ---the last of my 3 mollies after powerhead introductions --
speedy gonzalez--firefish
unnamed yellow tang.


I dont name most of my fish/inverts but i did have an emerald crab for over a year that was like 2" named agnus...she died i think of old age because i have never seen an emerald crab as big as her ever and i do look!


My granddaughter named my Perc clown nemo and the black clown Marlin. I named the singapore angel captain, and a little blue damsel is Squirt. One Hermit is named Speedy. That's about it for names.


My clowns are Dotty and Harold, my boxing crab is Joe... and of course last but not least we have the famous lawnmower blenny, dear Oscar :cheer:


Active Member
I use to name my fish, but now i dont.
There is a reason to my madness.... I use to name everyfish that came into my tank, and right after i got a name, they would die!! I use to wait 2 weeks, then name them, but ive kinda got lost when 2 weeks is up... so theres only like 4 fish that have names:
2 perc-Sharkbate (yes, spelled that way) and BruHaa
Dwarf lion- Zeus
Bicolored dottyback- Boobookittyfu** (Jay and silent bob anyone??)


2 Maroon Clowns - Marlin and Nemo (Shocker)
2 Pajama Cardinals - Pillow and Uncle Wolfie
Kole Tang - Kirby
Copperband Butterfly - Rudy


i like RU's fish names
mine are:
male maroon- hajie
female- alex
two striped damsels- johnny and elvis
urchin- julian


I named my clown pair ....Hekyl and Jekyl
My Yellow Tang... haven't really established a name yet ....besides its only been about 4 years since i've had him
Havent really named the inverts in my main tank
In the nano:
Peppermint shrimp are nick, nick and the goby is nicky.....from Big Fat Greek Wedding
Get it!



Active Member
I don't name my fish but my sister does and she loves finding nemo so of coarse we have nemo, we also have pinky the orchid dottyback. We used to have rainbow the allens damsel but he got bossy so we got rid of it. We also had rainbow the six line wrasse and slinky the midas blenny and scooter the scooter blenny. we don't have slinky or rainbow the 6 line anymore either.


coral beauty-purple and gold w/stripes? Mike the Tiger, after LSU's mascot
three spot gobie-Bob the builder
no names for others yet


tomato clown-tomato worm
seabae anenome-buddy mac
together they are buddy mac and worm
6 line wrase-sarg
blue damsel-bert
yellow tail damsel-ernie
hermit crab-kermie
pink leather coral-the hand
the dory tang-moby