What do you name your fish?


and Mopey
2 blue damsels and 2 clowns. Wife named them all.
I wanted
or Chicken
or Turkey
Wife wouldn't go for those. hehe


Those that are in the business of marketing fish and marine supplies have done studies that some of you may find interesting. Apparently in an effort to identify methods of marketing to men and women their studies have shown that generally, men tend to view fish keeping as a hobby (whether they have thought about it much or not) and, as such, tend not to name their fish.
Women, on the other hand, tend to view fish as pets which, in our culture, demands that a name be assigned.
My recent marrriage has proved this to be true for I never named my fish but my wife now has. The Lion fish is named P-diddy because he's got so much bling.
Just thought i'd stir the pot a little.


bob = giant hermit
guido = cbs
pepe= cleaner
lana = 'dorie tang'
bozo = maroon clown
gunther = cba
rupert = kole tang
stupids = green chromis
scary = scary lookin starfish (brittle)
ps the "man" of the house named gunther.... he was one of the first fish we bought (after streichen and hanz and franz - all named by my fiance (damsels that had to go back to the store for bad behavior)


Active Member
I don't name fish, perhaps when my little one gets older he'll have fun giving them names


Active Member
2 cleaner shrimps = thing1 and thing2
emerald - spike
orange damsel - lucky (survived the cycle)
perc clown - nemo (original huh?)
blue regal - dori (another original)
domino1 - trouble
domino2 - grouch
yellow watchman - sunshine
anthia - beauty
blenny - goofy


Well I've only named my Dog Faced Puffer and Mexican Turbo, I have a name for my Huma but bad words aren't allowed on this thread. DFP is named Deogy (D.O.G) and MTS is named Pancho. Huma is named *&^
&*()( ^&^%$-


4 Blue leg hermits - John paul george and ringo.
1 Yellow Tang - Arthur
1 Sabae Clown - Ford
(a butterfly yet to be aquired will be Zaphod)
1 Blenny - Lenny
2 Damsels - Socraties and Playto.
Heres the reasons... The Tang and Clown seem to have become close friends. The Tang will follow the clown for hours. (so you can figure out the names from that).
The hermit crabs... well, thees four of em.
The Blenny. My cat used to chase a lizard across the kitchen window, the lizard became known as 'lenny the lizard'. The cat seems totaly obsessed over the blenny, so it just inherited the name.
The damsels, well, our B/W cat is called Sigmund (Vets spelling) becuse he has a black Goatee under his chin.
I named my fish simply out of respect. I dont see them as a 'hobby', they are pets. My model making is a hobby. I can ignore that for weeks and come back. But, my fish are a constant responcibility, like a dog or a cat. I name my dog and I name my cat (from garfield: why name a cat, it doesnt come when you call it.), so I name my fish. Plus it makes me feel closer to em too. An un-named fish that dies is just a fish that dies. But when Bubbles dies its a bigger loss.


New Member
I'm not too big on naming my fish, however I have had a Jack Dempsey names Penelope, and a clown goby named, Little Angry Fish. :)


2 Clowns - Clemantine and Tyra
1 Clown Goby citron - Surprise
1 Royal Gramma - Beamer
1 Brittle Star - Scabbers
2 Hermits - Scoot and Scooter
2 Emerald Crabs - Crab and Rangoon